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Hamas War Crimes??

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R1Geezer | 08:58 Thu 22nd Jan 2009 | News
66 Answers
Siting rocket launchers etc in schools and hospitals, ie using their own children as shields etc. Then using the innevitable collateral damage as propganda. Deliberately targetting civilians with 8000 rockets. Are Hamas committing war crimes?


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R1 you are fighting a losing battle trying to get your point across. I personally think that Hamas are just as guilty of war crimes as Israel. The response you get to your question usually doesnt include an answer but just a rant about how nasty the Israeli army are. Why cant you all see that BOTH parties are as guilty as each other?

Dont worry though God will sort it out........sorry replace the word "God" with Barack Obama.
here is a video clip of israeli soldiers using young kids as human shields. you can hear in clear english as they are told it is a war crime b041107.htm

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Thanks for proving my point Dr Filth!
Question Author
Let's see who' breaks the cease fire shall we!

no problem ned i will wait to see what R1 thinks about the human shields used by the israelis

do you think israel will face any war crimes, i dont , when they have the full backing of america

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Thurs 22/01/09
13:09 Gromit...boundary analogy. UK Gov expands Hrow with new terminal, destroying Sipson village. Occupants of Sipson object but Gov ignore. Homes, villages, boundaries demolished for airport ��s.

Compare Sipson with Palestine boundary. The Israeli occupation of part of formerly Palestine 1937 here:

I will agree with this comparison only if the residents of Sipson are not paid for their homes but kicked out or even killed during eviction, airport would be controlled and used by Iran, North Korea, Russia or even why not Israel. And wherever the people of Sipson village settle, after few years they decide to have another airport there and this continues for the years to come.
keyplus dont forget they should only get few hours notice , be forced out at gunpoint and then the property and belongings bulldozed.

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Dont have to pay for conquered lands - that's war! f_Palestine

Sorry Dr, My history is not very good. Was there any Jewish terrorist who became head of Israel and even won a Nobel prize later. I heard someone talking about something like this once.
you must not mention that

jews = good guys

arabs = bad guys

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beginning to sound like a broken record here! Anyway as above no doubt the Israelis are out of order in the videos, I've never said they were blameless. Really I do hate all religion but the main thrust of this is a point of logic, 1 brick = ton of bricks. No one seems to be able to explain why Hamas acts this way unless it is basically what they want. I'm not excusing Israel, far from it but I have found that the way to deal with idiots who want to wind you up is to pummel them into the ground and then they won't do it again. I was bullied at school for about 5 minutes, I simply smashed a chair over the head of the main man breaking his collar bone. Disproportionate you might think, it worked, no one ever tried that again.
Yeah, your history is not very good keyplus90.
You probably forgot about that other nasty terrorist who became head of his country - Nelson Mandella.
Why not mention all the killing he instigated.
After breaking his collar bone you woke up and found yourself stuck to the toilet seat as you had fallen asleep there.
1 brick = ton of bricks. No one seems to be able to explain why Hamas acts this way

maxximus has given a very good reason. it is their land.
If america would give them around $4 billion bucks a year they would have the same size bricks

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you may get a better picture when you watch the video clips i have posted
These are the kind of people Israel are trying to reason with....... 7843909.stm
civilians were killed in the 2nd world war.(THATS WAR)
R1Geezer, i've only read the first page of replies, but I've put up links about this, which no-one read, because as i was told, 'its propogander',

Most, but not all of these people refuse to believe that Hamas is capable of the things you've said.

Keyplus mentions the few Israelis that were killed, but as i've said before, 'six thousand rockets', the Israelis have a warning system and bunkers, and only a couple of minutes to get to them, I wonder, how many on here have been in the line of incoming rockets and other missiles, thats terror. the only bunkers in Gaza were used to store munitions.

Mind you, I apparently only post stuff that can't be believed, again, so i've been told.
There are not that many countries in the world that were not taken by force, thats the whole point of war. He who wins does as he likes. israel Have gone overboard but you can't talk to nutters like Hamas, so what do you do, let them carry on with the fireworks, how could they come to any other way of sorting it? Compassion without logic is far too confusing for me. at some point you have to say 'it's your own stupid fault'. Who in thier right mind votes for terrorists, they did, they had it coming, only this time david has Apache helecopters.
Just to answer the point about taking somone elses land, at the end of the Byzantinium empire, after Mohammed, the Arabs, who were not </b?native to Egypt and what became Palestine, conquered all that area, and stayed, so by that ananology, if Israel, as some of you maintain, is conquered territory, give it another couple of hundred years, and if you were still around, you'd be saying it was theirs legally.

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