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Hamas War Crimes??

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R1Geezer | 08:58 Thu 22nd Jan 2009 | News
66 Answers
Siting rocket launchers etc in schools and hospitals, ie using their own children as shields etc. Then using the innevitable collateral damage as propganda. Deliberately targetting civilians with 8000 rockets. Are Hamas committing war crimes?


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Giving the enemy the coordinates of schools and hospitals, that's just inviting a missile.

And medics treating the wounded, just asking for it.

And doing what the Israeli soldiers tell you and cramming into a building before they shell it, did these civilians have a death wish or something.

This is clutching at straws even by your usual low standards Geezer.
Here is Amnesty International's report 007/2009/en/4dd8f595-e64c-11dd-9917-ed717fa507 8d/mde150072009en.pdf

If you read page 20 you'll see that the use of indescriminate weapons is classed as a war crime and that they believe that the rocket attacks on Israel are indescriminate.

so Yes.

The section on Human Shields is Page 17

However they also say:

However, the Protocol also makes it clear that even if one side is shielding itself
behind civilians, such a violation �� shall not release the Parties to the conflict
from their legal obligations with respect to the civilian population and civilians.�

And they have similar things to say about Israeli actions.

Nobody comes out of this smelling of roses which is why they are calling for an immediate arms embargo for the whole region .stm i suppose you would also suggest these folks had rocket launcher's under their kids beds?
Question Author
Gromit, shots where fired from schools, rocket launchers sited in schools and hospitals. No one is disputing that so spare me your usual sycophancy. Try answering the question, do these things constitute war crimes?
8000 rockets and how many got killed? I think 5 people. Did I not say these rockets are good for usual home fire works and only injure someone if landed right in the middle of your head.

Any way what can you expect from a person who is even bias in condemning the innocent people being killed. And asks for their belief before doing that.

What can I waste more on you and your collateral damage.

Did you actually read the part of my posting in italics where it is exoplicitly called out that such human shields DO NOT JUSTIFY ATTACKS ON CIVILLIANS?

Or did you just ignore it because you didn't like it?
R1 did you see the jewish lawyer on tv , he stated that he had seen a film showing a hamas guman fire from outside a school .he stated that the film clearly shows the hamas gunman run off. IF HE CAN CLEARLY SEE THIS , why did they bomb the school and kill the children.
the gunman had run away, ie he was not there anymore

White phosphorus sticks to human skin and will burn right through to the bone, causing death or leaving survivors with painful wounds which are slow to heal. Its ingestion or inhalation can also be fatal.

do you have a problem understanding that if a person has run away as the lawyer has said he has seen . he is no longer there. .even the lawyer slipped up on that one ?

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No I read that jake and I acknowledge the point. That's not what I'm asking. You ably answered my question about using Human shields, thanks.

K90: As I have said before: I condem the targetting of civilians, ie standard Hamas practice. The innocent deaths by Israel are not the targets they are errors, often excacerbated by the usage of human shields, ie standard Hamas practice. So why do Hamas hate their own people and condem them to death by their actions?
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Well perhaps Drfilth, they didn't realise he'd left. I could also ask why did the gunmen fire from the school when he know the likely outcome.

Can we not see logic through the hatred of israel? Stop firing Rockets, end of. Is the Islam brain so dim it cannot see this basic correlation? Or is this justg standard Hamas tactics to get the hand wringing Western Liberals to condem nasty old Israel in a propaganda offensive?
Well perhaps Drfilth, they didn't realise he'd left.

the film was from the aircraft that fired the rocket. it was supplied by the israelis.

remember this was a powerful jewish lawyer speaking out on behalf of israel to not face war crimes. shown live on american television. more jewish propaganda.


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ok fair enough, they must have had reasons to fire. They do not target civilians deliberately. But my question still stands why did the gunman go out of his way to fire from a school? Is it standard Hamas policy?

No one is disputing. Well, some are even in Israel.

Turns out the video footage used as an excuse to bomb the school was not from the current conflict but from 2007. And the launcher was quickly removed from the premises. ml

8000 missiles resulting in 3 dead is an extremely poor kill rate if that was the objective. The aim of Hamas' 8000 rockets was to instill terror and they were not deliberately targeted at specific people because the weapons are very crude and do not have a sophisticated guidance system. Point and shoot basically.

The attacks are indiscriminate and are wrong but they cannot be classed as a war crime unless a very strict interpretation of the term is used.

Every IRA attack was indiscriminate and had no regard for civilians. The 7/7 attacks were not a war crime, but they seem to fit your idea of one.

R1 regarding human shields watch this video . at 1 minute 50 seconds you will see a picture of israelis using a child as a human shield . this is not hamas this is the brave israel army . THE GOOD GUYS who do no wrong in your eyes

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isearl stated that we have fired no phosphorus shells in the gaza strip

oh bu gg er some leftie has filmed us, dam, dam and dam

what we are we going to say ?

The Israel Defense Forces is investigating whether a reserve paratroops brigade made improper use of phosphorus shells during the fighting in Gaza.

The brigade fired about 20 such shells in a built-up area of northern Gaza.

Aside from this one case, the shells were used very sparingly and, in the army's view, in compliance with international law.

well thats ok then ?

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R1Geezer Don't forget that Livingstone and Galloway have protested against just these things er---or have they ?
keyplus90...your equasions really wind me up.....6-8 terrorists, 2 planes - how many murdered in 9/11?

You've swept that horror under the carpet to support your mantra. It was the start of today's conflicts.

Believe it or not, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict started before 9-11-2001.
pease watch this video clip that maxximus put on my thread ure=related

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Stats are not relavant here, logic is, ok so 8000 rockets largely innefective. Israel response, very effective. Now any one with an ounce of intelligence would stop.

So can someone please tell me in simple terms why hamas keep firing rockets when they know the response.

As far as I can tell it must be what they want so they can generate propaganda.

I can't watch the videos till I get home.
Gromit , funny how no jewish person has ever answered my question in the past about how israel was started by terrorists.

king david hotel blown up ?

british soldiers hanged ?

thats what they like to brush under the carpet

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