These top bank bosses are all as bad as each other.
Did you know that Bob Diamond, head of Barclays Bank, was paid 21 MILLION POUNDS in 2007. /industry_sectors/banking_and_finance/article5 971164.ece
It reminds me of the days of the tzar in Russia who thought he was above the law and could live in riches while the peasants starved.
The peasants soon revolted and put him in his place.
These bank bosses are the same as the tzars of old. Pay themselves huge salaries and huge pensions while the "peasants" lose their jobs and their houses.
So if a few people "revolt" it is not surprising.
If you have just lost your business or house or job while seeing this person get a �700,000 a YEAR pension I think you may be a bit upset.
Not condoning it, but tryng to understand it.