"Although you don't like to admit it, you are yourself a master."
Of racism?
No, no, no sir. You're not fooling anyone with that kind of bating.
That statement is amusing, and untrue. You and I know that you are thoroughly bigoted and racist. I don't mind that - everyone has their faults. Yours is that you play the race card at every given opportunity. Check your posts over the past month and total up the number where you criticise blacks and Asians.
I really have no problem with those posts. They're thought provoking, and welcome, but please, please, please do not try to tar me with that brush. It's silly. You know that you're a bigot. I know it, and anyone even casually glancing at the News section knows it.
This is who you are - embrace your small-mindedness. It's not the worst thing in the world. You're not a rapist, paedophile or wife-beater. Just because you're bigoted, doesn't make you a bad person.*
(*except of course, it really does).