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Banning the Burka

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birdie1971 | 20:56 Sun 17th Jan 2010 | News
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Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UK Independence Party has called for the all full-face covering apparel to be banned in public places.

Good idea or not?


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I have to restate this - if a woman wants to wear a burqa in public, and we introduced a law banning it, we're being oppressive. We have absolutely no idea WHY some Muslim women wear the burqa, and to assume that they're all terrified of taking them off and dressing as Westerners is a giant leap of logic.

Don't you think a better proposal would be the banning of forced burqa-wearing?

Shouldn't the emphasis be on the man, rather than the woman?

It would be extremely difficult to impose for a number of reasons, but at least it would be a genuine step towards equality, rather than a cheap ploy to lure BNP supports away to the UKIP
You said they should learn to communicate and learning something implies the inability to do it already.
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ahmskunnirt -

“So you reckon Mr Farage is just innocently raising this matter a couple of months before a general election as a matter of "equality"? Boy, you must be one naive individual if that's what you think.”

No. And please refrain from suggesting that I have made statements that I have not made. I have never once suggested that this statement has been made because of the forthcoming election.

You've made that assumption, not me.
CCTV is intrusive and we should all wear face coverings in public to show our distaste......could we organise a 'face-covering day'?

There's nothing to stop that at all. And frankly, I'm surprised it hasn't happened yet.

...except for one EXTREMELY obvious thing - if you saw a bunch of lads bombing down the street and jumping into a car, you would take a second look.

If you saw a bunch of burqa-clad 'Muslim women' bombing down the street and jumping into a car, both you and everyone else on the high street would stop, stare and note the registration number of the car - because it would look so outcof place.

Same as if you saw a bunch of men with clown masks on.
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"take the dam thing off and learn to communicate"

"TCL..err, learning something means having to apply yourself to something that you dont yet know. Otherwise it wouldnt be 'learning' something. Gettit? "

Are you saying that by wearing a burqa it means those women do not know how to commuicate then?
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Sp1814 - “... if a woman wants to wear a burqa in public, and we introduced a law banning it, we're being oppressive.”

No. Freeing someone from oppression is not oppressive. That's pure sophistry. Just because they have been culturally and religiously convinced that they should cover their faces does not make it morally correct.

“Shouldn't the emphasis be on the man, rather than the woman?” Yes, yes and yes. Muslim men should wake up the the fact that women are equal to men. Woman are as intelligent as men and as such, should be given equal rights across the board.
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What about banning tight clothes on overweight people? Would that be a vote winner?
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For a law banning the burqa not to be oppressive in itself, we would have to be ABSOLUTELY sure that we know all that we can know about Muslim faith and customs. It just seems wrong for us, outside the Muslim faith, to dictate to them.

It would be them same as non-Sikhs deciding that Sikh men should not wear turbans in public because we don't like them.

If there is any push to have burqas banned, it should come from within the Muslim community.

Assuming that burqa-wearing Muslim women are crying out for us to rescue them so that they can skip to Asda in hot pants and boob tubes is a tad peremptory.
Ignore that last post. Pressed the 'back' button on my iPhone, and accidentally submitted a screen I had up previously.

It been an education - but now it's time for 'Family Guy'. I bid you farewell.
Birdie – God should have clothed you too if he wanted to but I guess you were born naked. Why did you start wearing clothes then? And I am sure as you said that,

////I shall continue to try and shine the light of logic into your medieval, misogynistic, barbaric and oppressive belief system that you call Islam/////

And I would not be surprised if someone from within your next generation would decide to accept this barbaric and oppressive belief system. As Islamic history is full of examples like that.

As SP said that Burka (full face cover) has more to do with culture. In few Asian and African countries a good number of Non Muslim women wear Burka. But having said that, OK security bit is understandable but apart from that why people make so much fuss in the name of Muslim women? Have you ever asked them what they want? We are not in Afghanistan, if they are so oppressed then they have a choice and even country, law and whole lot of people who would be dying to liberate them as Western media are always in the look for even slightest story to do with Muslim women oppressed anywhere in the world so why would they not pay attention to a cry from within?

I never forced (or even asked) my wife but she started wearing hijab (no face covered) by entirely her own choice.
So nice to see all these free-thinkers demand that women get their gear off.

Wizard, how do you know a woman wearing a burqa is being controlled by a man? Might she not have made her own mind up about what she wears - as atheist women do? Is it women who don't know their own minds, or is it just Muslim women? If you claim to know what's in her mind, even though she's wearing a burqa... well then, she might as well keep it on.
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'Family Guy' – Which channel????
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