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Banning the Burka

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birdie1971 | 20:56 Sun 17th Jan 2010 | News
113 Answers
Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UK Independence Party has called for the all full-face covering apparel to be banned in public places.

Good idea or not?


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"exept that its all a man made rule...prove me wrong! "

excellent point Wiz! you tell 'em :-)
it's not normal to walk about in complete diguise, if we all put scarves or balaclavas`over our faces when we go shopping we would be under suspition immediately.
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Keyplus – Thank you. You have posted a completely reasonable and rational post and you have refrained from insulting me with the “my little birdie” epithet. I shall no longer refer to you as 'a horrible little man'. Long may this truce remain.

The problem is Keyplus, that I find the covering of women's faces to be unfair. Why don't the men have to cover their faces also?

Q. Women in the muslim faith are told to cover their faces. Why?
A. They run the risk of being raped if they show their bodies or faces.

When all said and done Keyplus, isn't the Burka about the threat of rape?
No answer to my question, Wizard? A shame - I think the world should know how you have achieved your unique insight into the female mind.

And since you've made the claim that it's a man-made rule, shouldn't you be the one to provide evidence of your claim? Like providing the name of the man, maybe?
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Wizard, I asked first, at 23.33. At 23.56 I noted that you hadn't answered. You still haven't. A person might think you don't have an answer and are just making it up.
Where in the news has there been a reports of a burkha clad rampage?
Let's look to history for the precedents of this folly, Iran, what was it that brought down the rule of the Shah?
Was it corruption?
Was it the lack of democracy?
Was it repressive acts like hanging people off lamposts?
No, the Shah banned the hijab and the burkha, and throughout the country thousands of women refused to step out the front door as they felt they were not dressed decently.
I'm not for one minute suggesting this measure could or would bring down the country, it's just WRONG, and the people who support this measure are WRONG, and the assumptions they make are WRONG, because, \/ \/
If you watch the demos in Iran. lots of women venting their spleen, would you go home to those women a dinar short in ya wages?
Watch shows on Iran and you'll see things are not quite as clear cut as the Daily Mail etal would have you believe.
We live in a democracy, the right to choose, I dislike the veil, but I have no right to dictate what other people wear, I am amazed at the attitudes of some supposedly inteligent people on here, I am proud and very glad I do not share their view of fredom and democracy.
We live in a free country, and, as has already been alluded to, British men tend to dress like Muslim women.
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gotta agree, ahmskunnirt. Expect more of this sort of thing as the election gets closer. (Not that I would accuse birdie of being part of the UKIP campaign, or course!)
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Would I ban it? Yes, for the simple fact I don't like them. They just look wrong, wrong wrong!

Mind you, saying that I'd also ban the standard Chav's attire too.
It is not only the burka we should ban from this country, but the very people who WANT to wear one.

The good chance is that a person wearing a burka cannot speak English, has no qualifications, probably cannot ever get a job (or does not want one), and will be a drain on this country for their whole lives.

The fact so many who wear burkas are already here is a daming indictment of our total inability to control our borders.

Yet again we are being dragged down to third world levels.
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Farage is standing in my constituancy in the General election.

From talking to people about and from the abuse that he is reciving since opening an office in the town centre he has made a serious miscalculation.

This is hardly surprising - his judgement is not good
2 of his MEPs have been found guilty of fraud
and he thought boasting of claiming £2 million in expenses was a good idea

I wouldn't expect to hear much from him after May
I knew a Muslim girl at Uni who in her first year didn't wear a burka and by her third year she was clad in one. The last time I saw her we were at an Asda cafe one evening and she spent about one and a half hours stating that her covering up was her choice, made of her own free will, what ever Islam or the Koran says, she read all the material and of her own free will decided to wear a burka and said that her father, and brother were absolutely against it because people would think that she was being forced to wear it. None of her sisters wore one. So I agree with what Everton and Jno are saying.

And I regrettably lost touch of my friend because I found it difficult at the time to accept that she made that choice of her own free will from whatever material she read.
Regardless of the equal rights arguments, the burkas should be banned for security reasons. I would not be served in a garage, post office or bank if I had a helmet on that concealed my face. If I wore a similar head dress in the centre of london then I would probably be arrested, I certainly wouldn't be able to go through or near customs so what makes them any diferent? I was recently asked to take my hood down in a shopping centre (no I'm not a hoodie, it was snowing) when I pointed out the 3 muslim women walking past fully covered apart from the 1" slit for their eyes and suggested that when he asks them to remove their head wear then I would be happy to remove mine, I was asked to leave and escorted off the premesis! So much for equality!!

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