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Anyone For "Sarah's Law"?

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OrcadianOil | 02:22 Mon 05th Jul 2010 | News
233 Answers
Yet another kiddie fiddler has managed to ply his evil trade and has been able to groom at least one more innocent child right under its mother's nose. He has been "severely punished" with a wet lettuce leaf and given 4 months inside. (He may well have been released by the time I've finished typing!)

It proves, does it not, that the present system is deeply flawed? Maybe the introduction of "Sarah's Law", where paedos are "named, shamed" and the address of the sewer they're presently living in is made known to the wider community, would nip such atrocities in the bud?

Or do the "bleeding hearts" win the day again by arguing that the "human rights" of the pervert are far more precious than the safety of innocent children? Woops, no, we daren't risk having vigilante patrols on the streets. No, let our kids suffer instead, eh?



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My Aunty has three kids...

Eldest boy...straight

Eldest sons

I've just read one of your posts (from 16:04) and I think you're a brilliant person. Wish there were more like you...

...actually - there ARE...most of the other posters here.

This is why I think this country has the best people in the world. I really do...
jake-the-peg, I already know the story of Alan Turing, otherwise I wouldn't comment on him. Homosexuality wasn't accepted, so he was prosecuted. His work was not fully recognised because he was an embarrassment - hence he committed suicide. Had he not been gay, he would have been treated very differently & with the respect he deserved.
Well, I've observed this thread from a far and I have to say joe, you seem to have taken on my job! Anyway I'm no fan of yer bandits but live and let live eh, and as a computer scientist one of my heroe's is Alan Turing, the father of computing, he was appallingly treated but if it wasn't for him at Bletchley there's a good chance we'd all be speaking German. I guess the objection/disgust most have is purely with the activity involving the tradesmans entrance, I just try not to think about that.

SP, granted yer gays are more careful about their appearance but there are a lot round here that have a sort of uniform, bald, tache etc and a lot of them are carrying a fair bit round the middle.
Not all gays use the back entrance. That's just a presumption.
and not all straights don't.

Apparently Oscar Wilde didn't. I read a biography that said he was probably into intercrural.
You learn something new everyday!
Glad you also have an interest in the work Alan Turing Geezer.

We've been to Bletchley Park a few times & it's only when you are there, that you get a 'real' feel of what it was like for him & his colleages during WW2. He was a brilliant man, along with most who worked there & under strict secrecy.
*Alan Turing did!
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I think it's important that this thread is kept to its subject, which is not homosexuality - I'd imagine that any homosexuals would be at least bemused by the comparison made with their own predilection and that of the kiddie fiddler - don't see the connection?
My ex Boss at the OU (many years ago) was one of the bigwigs at Bletchley Park. She was very secretive about her work. But that was only 20 odd years after the ward ended. A lovely lady who also translated the Tintin books from French into English and I had to type the words in the little bubbles. No computers then.

Sorry. I have really strayed from the thread now!! :o(
I am truely puzzled by homophobia seriously puzzled.

I worked with a large number of people some years ago, a number of whom were gay at no time was my association with them less than friendly. As someone stated on here, what anyone choses to do in the privacy of thier home is none of anyone elses business.

However I ask this, If you knew a heterosexual who had anal sex with his wife on a regular basis would the homophobes hate him (and her) as much if not why not.

The most important question you must ask about a gay person is do they stand thier round if the ansers yes that laright by me. This also applies to straight people.
Re-read your question Orca & this thread has strayed from the title. Apologies on my part too, but I came into it very late & was only referring to what I'd read about gays.

Anyway, let's hope that all pedo's are eventually caught (a virtual impossibility) & placed together in cramped conditions with no access to tv's., mobile phones, or computers. That way, they won't be able to contact their equally disgusting pedo 'mates' in the outside world, via modern technonolgy!
So, providing I only have sex with women, on film, for money, *that's* ok, joe.........but if I do it in real life, for love, it isn't ?
provided you make the DVD readily available, yes, that's my reading of joeluke's post, jack... but he'll probably claim I'm misunderstanding him again.
chop IT off...and thyr hands....enough said x
No sorry jack, hotties've already admitted you're a middle aged mumsy type

Don't wanna be watchin that ta very much
She wasn't always middle aged.....!!!
I think some sort of castration may be in order for paedophiles.
So, providing I am only young and have sex with young women, on film, for money, *that's* ok, joe.........but if I am older and do it in real life, for love, it isn't ?

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