Gromit, I've asked you before but I didn't get an answer. Have you spoken about this on a one to one basis with the women you say you're acquainted with? I doubt it very much.
Everton, what a stupid thing to say. You're making it up again. I've never suggested imprisonment - and your accusations of racism serve only to highlight your ignorance. We're talking about human beings here. How would you like to live as they do? Get the chip off your shoulder and think about it!
Jake, you ask who the victims are? The fact is that those who do not choose to wear the burqa simply as a political statement are the victims. They are victims of their upbringing, of their culture, and of the rule of the men in their lives. Tell me, is it right that a woman is prevented by her husband from receiving urgent dental treatment from a male dentist? Is it right that a man confines his wife to the home if the law states that her face must be exposed in public? This is happening in the western world right now, and the women involved, due to the subservient mentality they are brainwashed into, are powerless to oppose it. This what the supporters of the burqa (and the niqab) are condoning. These women should have every opportunity to enjoy the benefits now open to them, but with people (oddly enough usually men) supporting this antiquated, restrictive and frankly suppressive and misogynistic culture, what hope do they have of ever benefiting from the liberty that, as members of the human race, is their right to enjoy?
You men here supporting this may see this sort of political correctness as commendable, but I don't - and I make no apology for that. Rights for women? I don't think so. You're doing these ladies no favours whatsoever, but you're doing their domineering men a great service. Well done chaps!! You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourselves.