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These people have got to learn.

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anotheoldgit | 14:36 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | News
44 Answers

Isn't the time now long overdue, for this waste of space piece of humanity, to serve a very long prison sentence, before he kills someone.

This is not the first time he has been found slumped over the wheel of his vehicle, and I don't suppose it will be his last.


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Well said....
I know it's not the first time i have commented on your approach AOG, but you really do seem to get yourself into a lather over things.

OK - George Michael is a recidivist where driving stoned is concerned, and the weaknesses in the law that allow him to continue so to do should be addressed.

His output as a musician, or his charitable donations in no way act as any kind of mitigation for his activities, which could well end in a fatality if not stopped.

But you always seem to wax your considerable library of negative epithets on which ever offender - legal or moral - has crossed your radar, and I do wonder why you get so very angry every time you post?

I feel seriously passionate about the wrongs in society I see every day - a proportion of them unfailingly flagged for my attention by your good self, but i cannot think that your endless vitriol and negativity can only be having a bad effect on you personally, and you may wish to consider that most of the 'wrong' things in the world are well beyond our individual contrrol, and such constant wailing and gnashing of teeth is going to wear you down, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Something to think about ...
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Who? George Michael?
I reckon even if they took George's license away he would still get behind the wheel whilst under the influence. Charitable donations and music career and accomplishments have nothing to do with this.
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And a long prison sentence Zeuhl not that your liberal views would allow that of course.
Woah - let's not go down the tried (and erroneous) route of equating liberal thinking with a please-yourself attitude with regard to crime and punishment.

That's an unfair assumption youngmafbog, and I must defend my fellow 'liberal' against it.
6 months in the nick.
What for Zeuhl?

Now that really is getting carried away - the guy's only expressing an opinion!
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I don't think I need any Psycho-analysing from the likes of you.

Just because you are quite content sit on the wall while the whole country collapses around you, doesn't necessary mean every one else has to.

You agree that Michael is a danger to his self and most of all to other people, no matter who he is and whatever amounts he gives to charity.

And if you think because I have posted something that I can't make up my mind you defend or disagree with gets me angry, that is all in your mind.alone.

Perhaps it is you that should take a lie down in a dark room..
As per Zeuhl.
And I still reckon AOG, that you are in the employ of AB just to keep the News Section alive and kicking and amuse us. I can't believe you are real, I really can't.
Obviously six months for George not Zeuhl, and a 12 month driving ban.
"if you a celeb, and particularly a gay one, you get away with anything"

That's the silliest thing I've heard since, oh, Saturday at least. Anyone got a properly notarised list of gay celebrities getting away with murder? Or even with dropping litter?

"the whole country collapses"

Because of one stoned driver? Woohoo!
The likes of me?

You really are as pompous and rude as your AB name suggests.

I atempted a little light-hearted reference to your endless huffing and puffing and you respond with your usual charmless insults.

I shall refrain from debating with you in future, you pompus ignorant fool.
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I like GM as an entertainer, and I have several of his CD's. but I have to concede, he is a danger to himself and everyone. This is not the first time this has happened and he should be disqalified. I feel sorry for him, for all his fame, money and notoriety he seems to be a very lonely person. It must be difficult living in the spotlight all the time.

Why do you have to be so dismissive aog?
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