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These people have got to learn.

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anotheoldgit | 14:36 Tue 24th Aug 2010 | News
44 Answers

Isn't the time now long overdue, for this waste of space piece of humanity, to serve a very long prison sentence, before he kills someone.

This is not the first time he has been found slumped over the wheel of his vehicle, and I don't suppose it will be his last.


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I am once again amazed at the fact that if I post anything, no matter on what subject, it seems that I alone am open to snide remarks, complete lies, insults, etc, etc, yet others can post much more objectionable stories and not a word is said.

Take this question as an example, all I was saying that this waste of space piece of humanity is long over due the correct punishment for his crimes. But just because he happens to be a drugged up, gay pop singer, with a drink problem, and a string of driving and other offences on his card, it seems that his supporters think we should feel sorry for the guy. yet he had been an unknown youngster from a sink estate, he would have been called, condemned, and no punishment would have been harsh enough for him.

Andy Hughes is typical of the AOG hate brigade; he comes out with such statements as these:

/// I know it's not the first time i have commented on your approach AOG ///

/// But you always seem to wax your considerable library of negative epithets on which ever offender - legal or moral - has crossed your radar, and I do wonder why you get so very angry every time you post? ///

/// a proportion of them unfailingly flagged for my attention by your good self, but i cannot think that your endless vitriol and negativity can only be having a bad effect on you personally, and such constant wailing and gnashing of teeth is going to wear you down, physically, mentally, and emotionally.///

/// Something to think about ///
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So he has had to comment on my approach more than one time?????

So he thinks that a proportion of my questions are flagged for HIS ATTENTION, and yet I can never remember flagging any myself, “For the personal attention of Andy Hughes”.?????

And then he personally becomes concerned with my health, physically, mentally, and emotionally.?????

Yes these passages are from someone who calls me pompous??????

Then after all this barracking, just because I said

“I don't think I need any Psycho-analysing from the likes of you, and perhaps he should take a lie down in a dark room”., he rudely comes back to insult me so.

/// You really are as pompous and rude as your AB name suggests ///

/// you respond with your usual charmless insults.///

/// I shall refrain from debating with you in future, you pompus ignorant fool.///

I don’t have to take all this from a person such as Hughes who is himself so full of ostentatious dignity and self-importance, that obviously he himself is unaware of.
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/// some of the things he comes out with would get someone else banned, yet he gets away with it,well noticed lottie.///

I can take insults, but don't complain if I insult you back.

I can debate on most subjects, providing one doesn't turn aggressive when they are losing the argument.

But please do not make false accusations if you are not prepaired to back them with fact.

So I now ask you cannyman, "what are the things that I come out with that would get others banned"?

I now await your reply.
I am also at a loss as to how people like GM and Pete Doherty get away with criminal behaviour without prosecution. If nothing else, failing to prosecute them sends a bad message to others who would follow suit.

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