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Isn't he a gem?

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B00 | 08:17 Tue 21st Sep 2010 | News
110 Answers
This guy must have something going for him that I clearly can't see. Does anyone else see some sort of Adonis hiding behind all the Chav clothing?



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Have you noticed that, with the exception of his current conquest, the mothers are all fat chav biffers?

Now clearly this oxygen thief is scum, but let's not forget the chav scum he is coupling with. The reported costs are just for the kids the knuckle dragger has fathered. As the mothers are also chavs they have the chav baby making gene whereby they only...
12:33 Tue 21st Sep 2010
It is he children I feel sorry for - if they all live near each other they might start inter-breeding?

Guys like him should be forcibly de-nutted and the girls implanted with some device. Cruel I know but I am in a grotty mood.

I'm sure the moral and legal rules against incest will hold no fear for most chavs - like dogs they will mount pretty much anything.

In fact, I'm pretty sure their local Clintons now stocks Happy Birthday Mummy Sister and Happy Anniversary Sister Wife cards.
15 children by 14 mothers at 25? Birthdays and Christmas's are going to be a nightmare for him with 15 squealing kids with their hands out, and 14 mothers means 14 times the nagging, why would you want to do this to yourself?
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I imagine the social will pay for the Christmas pressies too kreepy.

Flip flop, once again, you made me laugh, ta very muchly :-)
Seriously doubt the dole would be able to cover 15x presents but then again he probably could go wild in the pound shop.
Who do you think will then Kreepy?
The mothers id like to say but the reality is the grandparents on both sides.
The Mothers from their income support no doubt = the tax payers.
Wrong um, the mothers income support money=Cheap cider, roll ups and cannabis.
-- answer removed --

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Isn't he a gem?

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