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Isn't he a gem?

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B00 | 09:17 Tue 21st Sep 2010 | News
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This guy must have something going for him that I clearly can't see. Does anyone else see some sort of Adonis hiding behind all the Chav clothing?



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Have you noticed that, with the exception of his current conquest, the mothers are all fat chav biffers?

Now clearly this oxygen thief is scum, but let's not forget the chav scum he is coupling with. The reported costs are just for the kids the knuckle dragger has fathered. As the mothers are also chavs they have the chav baby making gene whereby they only...
13:33 Tue 21st Sep 2010
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Sorry dotty but where I live names such as those, including Brandon, are typical of the chav culture :-/
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Well to be blunt, he's still physically 'orrible to look at, regardless of what clothes he's wearing.

But, as shallow as this sounds, if he did dress like you described, yep i'd probably have a conversation with him. That conversation could lead to a relationship. here's the thing, I really do think before long his general attitude would eventually surface and I'd soon call it a day!
As I say, 11 years ago it wasn't a common name like it is now.
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lol yeah, or walk to your destination. Let's face it, some of those girls look like they could do with the exercise (oooo meowwww!)
There's a lad who works at a local care home who dresses just like this, complete with the baseball cap and necklace. I don't much admire his fashion sense but to call him scum purely on his appearance is to be judgemental in the extreme. I don't know how many children he may have fathered or whether he has a criminal record etc etc. but to label him scum without knowing any details is perhaps bigoted.
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Yeah McMouse, I agree, and sadly ot my shame I'll hold my hand up and admit I am.

However in this case it does seem that my bigotry is justified, does it not?
you have nothing to apologise for, B00, people do judge by appearances, that's what being judgmental is all about. That's why people have always dressed to impress: to give members of the opposite sex (or would-be bosses or talent scouts or whatever) a reason to want to know you better, considering there are millions of other fish in the sea. If someone wants to dress like a slob, you've every right to assume he is one and pass on to the next person. It's nothing to do with bigotry and everything to do with not wasting your time.

In this case, it seems looking like a slob has been no barrier - possibly because he attracts other slobs, I don't know.
I saw this story this morning and sadly it didn't shock me as much as it would have 5 years ago. The newspapers are full of these stories, the t.v. is too, Jeremy Kyle etc. There seems to be no sense of selfworth in those girls, most have kids to more than 1 man. My Nan always says "There's nothing new under the sun" however these days these guys go at it with no regard for consequences. The guy wakes up each morning with a can of lager, says it all really. And no, I don't think there's anythng fanciable about him and there's definitely a 'type' with the girls.
I guess if I was a unemployed overweight female with low self esteem and overactive ovaries I might succumb to his shy yet cheeky smile. But as I'm not I think he is in need of corrective surgery and sartorial advice.
I wondered how long he would last...
id have been surprised by this about 2 weeks ago...but I have spent a good few hours on is basically a website featuring all the ridculous, sickening and stupid things people put on their public facebook accounts)...and to be honest i am that revolted and gobsmacked by some of the utter scum and pure idiots this planet has produced that this is light in comparison...check it out...its mostly funny ...but under the laughter is an uncomfortable notion that this is a huge portion of our species and of the future genrations...its horrible...
rearding the story i bet the one girl that he has 2 children by probably sees that fact as a source of though he must somehow love her best...
Most of these women look as though they are happy to get pregnant by ANYBODY so they can then spend the rest of their lives living off benefits and hand outs.

Who can blame them.

Many are given a "free" house (I had to work all my life to pay for mine) and they are given benefits each week (I live off a pension I had to pay in to for all my life).

Exactly what is wrong with this country, no wonder we are in such debt.
Have you noticed that, with the exception of his current conquest, the mothers are all fat chav biffers?

Now clearly this oxygen thief is scum, but let's not forget the chav scum he is coupling with. The reported costs are just for the kids the knuckle dragger has fathered. As the mothers are also chavs they have the chav baby making gene whereby they only have to lock eyes with a male chav to become pregnant, without a single shadow of a doubt they will all go on to have more children with more chav scum, all of whom will take a lead form their chav scum fathers (if they know who they are) and their chav mothers and go on to have loads of children by loads of different chavs - monkey see monkey do - this stealing even more of our money.

But of course 'I'm entitled to my benefits innit'

The women are little more than sperm cement mixers who should all be sterilised and the mouth breathing father should have his b 0 ll ocks removed.

Scum - all of them.
There you go boys - public transport is the way forward; he met one on a bus and one at a bus station. Classy.
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lmao, i do like flip flop!
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dizzzy, a child in New Zealand was named Number 16 Bus Shelter

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