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Isn't he a gem?

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B00 | 08:17 Tue 21st Sep 2010 | News
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This guy must have something going for him that I clearly can't see. Does anyone else see some sort of Adonis hiding behind all the Chav clothing?



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Have you noticed that, with the exception of his current conquest, the mothers are all fat chav biffers?

Now clearly this oxygen thief is scum, but let's not forget the chav scum he is coupling with. The reported costs are just for the kids the knuckle dragger has fathered. As the mothers are also chavs they have the chav baby making gene whereby they only...
12:33 Tue 21st Sep 2010
Sorry, EDDIE.

ok Boo - I'll take him on but only if I can get in touch with the American woman who did out of hours surgery on her wayward hubby.
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That's what im trying to get at here jno.

If I met him on the streets (or in his case, a bus stop) I wouldn't even engage him in a conversation. In my mind all I'd see is Chav scum.

Yet clearly there's women and girls who think otherwise- im trying to find out if there's any on ABland who'd think he was ok and possibly go with him if they met him, as im not seeing ANYTHING fanciable about him.
Lorena Bobbitt
thanks JJ!
de nada, carmalee
I just had another look ...

They all live in the north east.

I thought they looked more like Croydon people.
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Ahhh so maybe thats how he's done it Butch? Picked up ones with low self esteem perhaps? Dare I say low IQ too? No self respect?
That's the type BOO...
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That's even sadder then ummmm, as if his record is anything to go by there's an awful lot of girls out there like that!
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It is sad....these people are alien to me, thank God.

I do wonder how someone is raised when they can be pulled at a bus stop.
Despite Butch's "would/wouldn't" typo ...

Those poor girls have probably had a tough start in life. It's easy to tell people to do something to "improve themselves" but it's not always easy to do it.
LOL ummmm

You think the word "discerning" is not part of their daily vocabulary !
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Scalpy hi :-)

Yes im being judgemental.

Why I asked the question, I personally can't see anything about him. As soon as i saw him, I'd think "Chav" and wouldnt even start a conversation with him.

So my question is, if you didn't know his background and dubious past, and he smarmed up to you at a bustop, or anywhere really, would you, based on his looks think "corrrr"..?
LOL, Butch.

That's a relief.

Young and experimenting...fine.

Producing 14 kids while doing so fine..

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Isn't he a gem?

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