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Is it really a hardship for women?

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anotheoldgit | 13:40 Fri 22nd Oct 2010 | News
96 Answers

Why the hardship for women, men have had to work until they were 65 for years, one more year should not hurt anyone seeing that unlike in the past, these days people live for many years after they retire.

I also believe that women once had the choice of retiring at 60 or working on till they were 65


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Females are always banging on about equal rights for women

Well now you got it - enjoy working on ladies
Very well said Sophie!
Ta Karen; think I've stunned them into silence!
Well, except Joe - but he always seems to be flapping his gums about nothing ;)
in my world, women would stop doing housework at retirement age and it would do itself.

Not happening yet, though.
All I know is that I'm still doing all the housework/cooking/cleaning etc etc. Plus a part time job. He sits and watches the telly. Occasionally going out for a run to keep fit. I'm too cream crackered to keep fit. Now there's the ironing to do. Then I can sit down. Maybe.
Sophie has got it bang on, there are very few households where the working couple share all the chores and childcare etc 50.50 to share the load. We don't have children at home but I work full time and more - because OH is away a lot, the chores still have to be done so we finish work then come home and do another halfday in the house. Not complaining but that's how it is.
..and PS, I'm over the original female retirement age but I can't stop work, I still have a whacking great mortgage so I don't have a lot of choice in the matter.
could you downsize to a cheaper place, boxtops? People of mature years shouldn't be bent double under mortgages, especially if the kids have gone.
I wouldn't mind about working until I am 65 if I hadn't already worked a 5 day week for 40 years whilst also doing the shopping, cooking, cleaning, child care, christmases, decorating, gardening, washing, ironing, sewing, mending, etc etc, if I had spenr 40 years working a 5 day week and come home to a cooked meal, the TV remote and an armchair every night I would be fine with it,
Well put Dotty!
^^ 'come home to a cooked meal, the TV remote and an armchair every night'

That's every mans right
Perhaps if you dissolved 10mg of loperamide on your tongue, Joe, you might stop talking sh!t.
I'm not talking, I'm typing
So you only type sh!t then?
Just cos you don't agree with it don't make it sh!t
It is not a right, it is a privilege to receive a nice meal by one's partner at the end of the day, regardless of whether the recipient is male or female.
Joe I don't think you'd have much brain activity and your fingers won't work the way you want to if you took the dose.

I am married to an 'old fashioned' macho man, my feet are made smaller so that I can get nearer to the kitchen sink etc. Therefore I felt justified in taking early retirement.
NoM - no te preocupes, guapa - tienes razon.
Agreed.....but I know blokes who go home from work and don't get a meal cooked for them

That's out of order, some women are just plain lazy

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Is it really a hardship for women?

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