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Is this country going completely mad?

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anotheoldgit | 13:35 Sun 23rd Jan 2011 | News
90 Answers

So in some schools children are to be taught about homosexuality in maths, geography and science lessons as part of a Government-backed drive to "celebrate the gay community". ???????????

The question I ask is 'WHY'?

Certain subjects are hard enough for some children to pick up on now, without the added confusion of including gender issues into therm.

Do you wish your children to be taught this way?


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Iv'e heard the quote before & now I fully understand what it means ''The Lunatics are running the Asylum''
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Promoting homosexuality in schools as if it's normal?

How about pointing kids in the right direction by promoting hetrosexuality?
'Gay lessons' in maths, geography and science?
Does this mean that Muslim disabled or black lessons in maths, geography and science are also going to follow in the spirit of fairness to all? How do exactly do you "Homosexualize" maths, geography and science? I'm not for or against but am definitely intrigued by this.
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"How do exactly do you "Homosexualize" maths, geography and science? I'm not for or against but am definitely intrigued by this."

Buggered if I know, and therein could lie the answer.
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It has to be taught in some way. When I was at school I had no idea what 'gay' was, I thought it was simply a derogatory term. I didn't realise two men could love each other it didn't occur to me.
*When I was at school I had no idea what 'gay' was*
Then maybe this should be taught in sex education/biology classes or maybe even a new "Relationships and Dating" Classes but maths, geography and science seems a little weird as joeluke said before we're not taught hetrosexuality using maths, geography and science so how can they then install a little gayness in all lessons?
I'm struggling to understand how homosexuality can be incorporated into maths.

It could be they slip it into one of those questions I could never work out, e.g.

If it takes three homosexuals four days to dig a ditch 6 metres deep, how long would it take them to eat a barrel of apples
Missed it pixi, thanks. I'm surprised he doesn't see his reponses appearing on a pink background as an attempt to undermine him and a further concession to the powers of darkness. :)
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Nothing surprises me nowadays in this country. But, conversely, if kids of 4 are being taught about deviant sexual practices, why aren't they also being informed of normal and natural sex, i.e. how mummy and daddy conceived them?
Maybe we're going a little to deep with the sex education (Excuse the pun) what's next, s&m lessons?
AOG I have no idea how my comment about the Telegraph constitutes trying to shoot you down or gag you. My thoughts on the report came after that comment.

Naomi, there is nothing in that news report that suggests that every question posed in a lesson should have a link to gays and lesbians. We live in a society in which there are people who are openly gay and lesbian. So amending some of the problems set for children in lessons to mention them doesn't seem, to me, to be a big thing.

Of course some of the ideas mentioned in the report are not so smart - I have no idea how class discussions on different family structures relates to science for example.

But overall, I don't see it as being any more dramatic than the change in illustrated children's books which, at one time, showed almost exclusively white families, but which now include families from other ethnicities.
boaking, I'm fairly sure that homosexuality already comes up in PHSE and RE lessons in schools anyway - at least they do in my youngest daughter's (Catholic) school, and I doubt that her school is atypical.

It's not about teaching the mechanics - the kids will work that out for themselves if they are so inclined- but about awareness. Hardly anything to get steamed up about.
eyethenkyew the kids are already being taught ///how mummy and daddy conceived them/// in sex education lessons, this, it seems to me, is about awareness, not mechanics
Maybe if they were taught how to read and write properly first, it would be a step in the right direction!
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/// AOG I have no idea how my comment about the Telegraph constitutes trying to shoot you down or gag you.///

Then why else did you find the need to say "it must be a quiet news day for the Telegraph"? Implying that you would have rather not had them reporting on it.

When I referred to the messenger I automatically assumed that everyone would know I was referring to the Telegraph, after all it was them and not I that brought this issue to light
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