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Is this country going completely mad?

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anotheoldgit | 13:35 Sun 23rd Jan 2011 | News
90 Answers

So in some schools children are to be taught about homosexuality in maths, geography and science lessons as part of a Government-backed drive to "celebrate the gay community". ???????????

The question I ask is 'WHY'?

Certain subjects are hard enough for some children to pick up on now, without the added confusion of including gender issues into therm.

Do you wish your children to be taught this way?


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It may well be an opportunity for the teacher to say something as innocuous as;

"If it costs £5 for each adult and £1.50 per child, how much would it cost Mummy, her girlfriend and three children to go to the zoo?"
Perhaps this analogy might help clarify the proposals...imagine a school whose entire technical and literature libraries only made reference to men going to work, and only depicted women as housewives. Wouldn't you think that odd? 

Since WWII, women have increasingly made in-roads in previously mKe-dominated fields, but if you looked at text books from the 40s and 50s you would only ever see 'men in lab coats'.

The argument against including references to alternative sexualities in school materials is similar to the argument against depicting women in the work place in the 60s/70s as being 'feminist claptrap'.
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/// The bottom few paragraphs of the following piece may shed a little more light: ///

Well to introduce a Daily Mail link to clarify a Telegraph report must be a first indeed for sp.
it seems to me that only Huderon and SP have got to grips with what's happening. It's not 'teaching' about homosexuality, there's no mention of talking about gay sex, it's about normalising homosexuality, it does exist, homosexuals are a part of our society and this should be aknowledged. From what I can see, the plan is simply to include homosexuality in examples used, that's all. Hiding it from view breeds only ridiculously antiquated opinions of it as are demonstrated occasionally on here!

Whiskeyron - there's a one word answer to your question - "enjoyment"! Some people like it, some people love it, some people think it's not for them but that's their business!
Wow, whiskeryron.............
For someone who obviously finds the entire 'act' abhorrent, you're quite happy to give over an inordinate amount of time to visualising and writing about it.....

Nothing *anywhere* in the original press releases mentions any physical acts........just the fact that gay people exist and that teachers may consider mentioning it.
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The Daily Mail report is as sensationalist as the Telegraph one, but at least it has the good manners of reporting the other side of the argument.
jth. How can I describe what I find abhorrent without giving a full description of why it is abhorrent to me ( we heters know what it's about without having to practice these things). The orignal press release doesn't have to mention anything physical, the Christian owners of the B&B couldn't bear the thought of someone staying in their home & probably getting up to what in their eyes is an abominable act.
Raise your mind above belt-level, whiskeryron.
Gay people are not constantly having sexual relations, for goodness sake.

The fact that you cannot separate 'people' from 'sex' is a problem that lies solely with you.
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I'm sure you do.........chief JOF.
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jth,before you answer, I know that this thread is about children in schools, but I feel that as the original thread was about the B&B couple, the whole theme has escalated,into different themes based on a law which I think could have been dealt with much differently.
wr - Why don't you keep your answers, on this thread, focused on the question/s raised on it in the OP?
The B&B thread can be resurrected or you could post your own, if you felt so-inclined....and *that* particular issue has been done to death.

Not sure why the term 'gay' should bring out such strong feelings - but just to clarify in isn't what this story is about.
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/// than go back to the days when teenagers in my street could think of going out "queer bashing".///

I don't know how long ago that was, or in what type of area you lived, but in all my years I can never remember a time when such a thing as "queer bashing" took place.

When I was young, the subject of homosexuality never entered our heads, why should it have done? I can remember only one boy who seemed different from the rest of us, he dressed effeminate and preferred to play with the girls, but rather than bullied he was a most popular boy, and both girls and boys competed for his friendship.

Later in life we found homosexuals very talented as entertainers, and one public house would once a week put on a special show, in which homosexuals were able to show off their talents as entertainers.Both these evenings and the entertainers were very popular with the pubs clientèle, and I can never remember any violence towards them, and that was in the days when homosexuality was illegal.

Having said all this, I don't think that homosexuality should be constantly thrust upon us, and anyone who doesn't accept it, for whatever reason, is somehow classed as a bigot.

It is this attitude that tends to alienate one against the other.
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You and others are so hypocritical regarding the Daily Mail, you will constantly criticise the Mail for one-sided reporting (at times you will often accuse it of telling lies) yet when they happen to report on something that fits in with your own agenda you will show no embarrassment in offering it up to further your own argument..
AOG - you ended your post with "It is this attitude that tends to alienate one against the other." - are you really that hypocritical!?
It is your attitude that homosexuals and Muslims should not be seen in this country that alienates people.
No one is thrusting anything on us, they're just not hiding it! Do you see a young heterosexual couple walking down the street holding hands and think 'eurgh, they're thrusting their affections in our face,'?
Gays, as much as anyone else should have as much right to demonstrate their affections as anyone else, it should be 'normalised' in schools because it is perfectly normal to want to show affection to someone you're in love with, to live with them, to be recognised as a couple.

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