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Is this country going completely mad?

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anotheoldgit | 13:35 Sun 23rd Jan 2011 | News
90 Answers

So in some schools children are to be taught about homosexuality in maths, geography and science lessons as part of a Government-backed drive to "celebrate the gay community". ???????????

The question I ask is 'WHY'?

Certain subjects are hard enough for some children to pick up on now, without the added confusion of including gender issues into therm.

Do you wish your children to be taught this way?


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Huderon, //Naomi, there is nothing in that news report that suggests that every question posed in a lesson should have a link to gays and lesbians. We live in a society in which there are people who are openly gay and lesbian. So amending some of the problems set for children in lessons to mention them doesn't seem, to me, to be a big thing. //

But it's completely unnecessary. I think it's absolutely shameful. We're bombarding our children with sex at every opportunity and in my opinion it's wrong. Totally and utterly wrong. Mad people! And for that I make no apology.
AOG I said it because, in my opinion, it's not a big news story.

The amount of money involved amounts to a week's EMA for 167 students on the top rate, or the annual salary for one nurse at the top of the band 6 pay scale. In terms of what government spends, it's peanuts.

The only thing the initiative is about is raising awareness ... awareness that there are people who are gay, that they are a part of society, that it's not so unusual and that they are not freaks of nature.
GOING completely mad ? It went years ago. PC brigade.
Naomi, I agree with you about being bombarded by sex ... not just the children, all of us.

But I'd rather kids were made aware that homosexuality isn't a disease or an illness or anything to get fired up about than go back to the days when teenagers in my street could think of going out "queer bashing".
So much I would like to post, but good manners (and AB's filter) prevent me.

Suffice to say - the report has been somewhat 'overstated'.

The bottom few paragraphs of the following piece may shed a little more light:


Do you think it would be preferable that teachers shy away from acknowledging the fact that some people aren't straight?

Should mention of homosexuality be banned from all schools? Or perhaps only mentioned to sixth formers?

Should all teaching materials only feature people who represent the majority?
Huderon, the 'all of us' you talk about - well at least most of us - can cope with being bombarded with sex. We're adults. What we choose to bombard our children with however, is our responsibility and as adults we must accept responsibility. Children in a maths class should be concentrating on learning maths, not on homosexuality awareness. I hate all this politically correct rubbish!
Naomi, the politically correct stuff was always rubbish, but it does rebound on the people who follow it sometimes, and makes them look really silly.

One time, when my youngest lass was at primary school, a deaf girl came to visit the school. At break my daughter was signing to her in the playground and one of the teachers pounced, thinking my lass was taking the mick. The teacher didn't realise my girl knew a bit of sign language, and the deaf girl was completely confused ... the poor kid couldn't figure out why my daughter had been told off for speaking to her.

In the case of this report, well you don't really have to specifically mention homosexuality in most of the subjects as such ... you could ask why people move from the countryside to the city for example. Different family structures could be introduced in RE or social studies, especially as they are more appropriate for the issue of homosexuality, and the issue does come up in those classes anyway.

The chances are that the lesson plans will not be taken up by most schools, so it is a bit of a waste of time and money, but still small beer. The aim of raising awareness is laudable, and I don't have a problem with that, the reporting of it in the Telegraph and the Mail is sensationalist and, to my mind (well what there is of it) designed to raise the temperatures of some people.
Sp1814 –

You ask some very 'interesting' questions... “Do you think it would be preferable that teachers shy away from acknowledging the fact that some people aren't straight?” - No one is suggesting any such thing as far as I can tell.

“Should mention of homosexuality be banned from all schools? Or perhaps only mentioned to sixth formers?” - No one is suggesting any such thing as far as I can tell.

“Should all teaching materials only feature people who represent the majority?” - No one is suggesting any such thing as far........

… I assume you can see where I'm coming from.

It's patently obvious that children should be taught about the different kinds of sexual relationships that they will encounter as they progress through life. To pretend that those relationships don't exist and to wilfully fail to equip children with the necessary information with which they will sooner or later require, would be grossly remiss. But to be constantly bringing up the issue of sexuality in lessons in which it has absolutely no relevance whatsoever is not only silly and a waste of time, it is bordering on the obsessive.
Huderon - and SP - what he ^^ said.
In maths and science?
Well, I've heard of splitting the atom....but this is going too far.
Huderon, the 'all of us' you talk about - well at least most of us - can cope with being bombarded with sex. We're adults.

Chance would be a fine thing, Lucky you naomi. ;0)
Mick, ha ha! Boasting again. ;o)
When I was at school (going back a while) we were never taught about deviant sex, it was going on & we somehow knew about it & as we grew up we went our various ways & settled down to whatever lifestyle we were destined for,I am heterosexual & I knew lads who were not. The point that I am making is that in my opinion the P/C brigade have yet again gone completely overboard with this issue, stop wasting time & money teaching kids stuff they don't need shoved at 'em, they either already know or learn from media news about such items.
I blame the Conservative government myself, shady character that David Clegg!
Hell -> Handcart.........Storm -> Teacup......or, Blown-up -> all proportion ?
deviant sex, lol!

it's some adults that need educating.

I don't think the proposals in anyway could result in kids being bombarded with information gay relationships in every lesson! No-one is saying that (apart from certain sectors of the press, trying to whip up public sentiment). Teachers are simply being given an opportunity to explain that there are different types of relationship...and there's another thing - relationships, NOT sex. I notice a few on this thread have assumed the latter rather than the former.
.. but why in Maths?
I don't know why they need to teach the children it. All the kids round here are aware of everything and in fact they know more than I do and could probably teach me. The educationalists should leave well alone.

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