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Why celebrities come out

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sp1814 | 20:51 Mon 28th Feb 2011 | News
384 Answers
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out.

Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a variety of role models. It makes them feel better about themselves.

Why do gay people feel the need to announce their sexuality? Well, why do straight people do the same? Think about it! Every wedding you've ever been to ha been a declaration of heterosexuality. Every time a bloke picks up a copy of FHM and points out how much he fancies Cheryl Cole - isn't he shouting about his sexuality?

Please continue to raise questions on sexuality, but try to think before writing, because some posts come across as the product of extreme stupidity.


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But getting back to the original question - do you think that celebrities shouldn't come out? Do you see any harm in it?
I just knew the free speech argument would come out!! However I would draw you attention to the below ETY in the sites Terms of Use. And as answerprancer said free speech should not be confused with offensiveness

9. You agree that any posting or contribution you make to such forums will not be defamatory, discriminatory, racist, obscene, offensive, threatening or in breach of any copyright or in any way unlawful or objectionable.
Bless him............
If ETY has to toe the line when it comes to 'objectionable', he'd never have anything to say...
I can understand why AP reported him...but I think it is always best to let idiotic posts remain; they show the rest of AB what goes on in some (very) tiny minds....
I think it's important that posters like ETY air their views on such matters, if someone reading was struggling to 'come out' then I think the response to posts such as ETY would only fill them with the confidence to do so. For every one of his anti-gay 'preachings' there's a fair few in support Maybe without his posts as a trigger, the support would be less apparent.
I actually agree with the Duckmeister re free speech - point 9. is difficult for anyone to comply with
Ok pr!ck, I reported your post (as mentioned and clearly overlooked by your stupid self). So if someone disagrees with your homophobia, that makes them an "invertebrate" does it ? ie. spineless ?
Let's get one thing straight, you are thick and are therefore intellectually confined to the virtual steel box within where you reside. Most of your "invertebrates" are in fact people who are able to function beyond the boundaries of your IQ level.
"Freedom of speech" does not equal the freedom to use terms like "chutney muncher" or "pillow biter" - that is NOT just "someone giving an honest opinion".
(Sorry if you cannot understand the above)
Apologies to sp - ie leaving it unreported as an example.
< point 9. is difficult for anyone to comply with >

most other people seem to manage okay
Honestly, to read some of the "morally outraged" on here you'd think we were on a Sunday School site and that none of them had ever said a word out of place? Some of you have more faces than the town hall clock.

This is not a popularity contest where I either ask anyone to agree with me, or where I ought to be forced to concur with their point(s) of view.

I happen to believe that homosexuality is wrong, so why can I not express such a view for fear that the PC Platoon on here will contrive to have my views removed?

We live in austere times of financial and economic hardship, we have young men and women dying for us in Afghanistan, a troubled Middle East is erupting on an almost daily basis, floods, famines and earthquakes are decimating countries and communities, but what happens here? Some goody two shoes gets "offended" by some printed words - utterly pathetic!
Some seem to be able to say what they like

Ok pr!ck, I reported your post
That you have a problem with homosexuality is obvious, ETY.
It is the deliberately inflammatory and insulting terms which you choose to demonstrate your disdain that cause offence. No-one seeks to stifle your right to say what you feel, only the manner in which you say it.
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Okay - let me show you something...look at your post from 21:35. Reasoned, and well presented. Do you see a big difference between that and what got removed?

Second point - you may object to homosexuality, but do you actually object to it's existence or to your knowledge of it.

Take for instance the case of Gareth Edwards or Steve Davies. Would your opinion of them change if you'd previuously admired their sporting skills?
Harpy, if you are trying to make a point that I am no better, the difference here is that this pillock is using crass offensive terms a) aimed at an entire subsection of people
and b) (as JTH has pointed out) used inflammatory and insulting terms against the same.
My crass offensive terms were used against one person.
By all means, if you think I am out of order, feel free to report me too.
Thats a good point Jack the Hat - re point 9.... it is a bit of a catch all, I'm sure Ducky has found some of the things said objectionable

Let me answer your question re celebs exiting their closets. Personally, I could not care a rat's testicle one way or another. Why, anyway, should I be perceived to have some kind of problem with homosexuality because of my outspoken views?

Would anyone here defend kiddie fiddlers? Obviously not, unless they were one themselves. Why, therefore, should I defend, or accept, something which I find to be repugnant? How many fans are there on here of the likes of Peter Sutcliffe, Fred+Rose West, Harold Shipman or Ian Brady?

Oh, wind them up and let 'em go! The outraged souls on here will be well up in arms at those comparisons, won't they? But why should they be? If they can feel offended by the printed word, mine, why am I not entitled to feel outrage at something which, for example, religious teachings tell us is wrong and an abomination?

To me, it's the tail wagging the dog when strong opinions cannot be tolerated, and when people choose that path of intolerance, what is so damning in my comments? Don't let them kid you on, they have their own prejudices, many of which are regularly aired on here with total impunity.
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But there's more to your story - isn't there?

Didn't you state that you had a teacher or was it a youth worker, who tried it on with you when you were a kid?

Apologies if that WASN'T you, but if I'm right in my recollection, it would certainly explain why you use such aggressive and disparaging language when talking about gay men.
ETY, out of interest, is your opinion founded completely in religion?
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By the way - you know the tail wagging the dog thing - do you think that the majority of people responding to a recent survey were disapproving of homosexuality, or do you think they responded with 'live and let live'?
I doubt I'd defend anyone who was a criminal, convicted or not.

don't compare paedophiles with homosexuals. you're just compounding your ignorance.
Celebrities 'come out' because they are about to be 'brought out' by the press

Being a sportsman and gay don't sit together well

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