Although technically wrong, don't others agree that this young man will take more notice of his Dad's actions than anything the police and the authorities would be prepared to punish him with?
Well I used the verbal method and it worked out. I regret the few occasions that I smacked. It was temper that made me smack. It did neither of us any good whatsoever and achieved zilch.
Lottie - I have only smacked my children in temper - and that was rarely, and never hard - and i have regretted each incident. I used the power of my position as their dad to instill proper respect and behaviour, which largely worked - no child, or parent is ever perfect.
However, this father is probably following the example set by his father - my reaction was to do the exact opposite, because of how it made me feel when it was done to me.
I smacked - I didn't clip or cuff around the head or ear. I get so upset at parents that you see cuffing their kids round the head.
I can understand him feeling angry though. Perhaps arresting him was a bit to heavy handed. Perhaps a stern caution.
No, having said that if he had clipped anybody else around the ear in a police station he would have got arrested, so the same should apply in this case. He deserved it.
They do - but physical violence against a child by an adult is not the appropriate way to teach it.
In my view, a protracted and dispassionate legal process would have demonstrated that adult crimes carry adult punishments - whereas this child still sees his childish misdemeanours punished by has father's violent temper - which has clearly failed to teach him right from wrong.
My Mum used to smack me Andy enough to humiliate me and make me angry. She left red marks on my legs and I hated it. Personally I think it achieved nothing except me feeling angry and hating her - it certainly didn't make me see the error of my ways in any way. I vowed I would never hit any child of mine. I did on a few occasions (my son says he cannot ever remember me hitting him) and as I said, I regret those few occasions.
We were never chastised by smacking, usually my fathers stern look made us very sorry to have failed the family.
Perhaps the boy's father was ashamed and disgusted by his son's actions, and the fact that the Police were involved he felt unable to express himself any other way.