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Did this couple get of lightly?

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anotheoldgit | 15:48 Tue 15th Mar 2011 | News
97 Answers

So this couple and their kids think they have been harshly done by?

Once again it seems that they have got off lightly.

If every Tom, Dick and even India was to pick the flowers as soon as they appeared there would be none left for others to enjoy.

We know that kids do not know differently, but adults should and their kids should have been chastised upon picking the first flower.

/// 'If we'd seen it we would have stopped them, but all it needed was for whoever complained to have approached us and made us aware.///

Firstly 'If we'd seen it we would have stopped them'

Obviously they were not keeping their eyes on their children,

And 'all it needed was for whoever complained to have approached us and made us aware'

Yes, and could you imagine the barrage of four letter words he or she would have received in return?


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It must be very difficult for children to understand.. I have had difficulty explaining(coherently) to a 16 year old girl that the daffodils that she had taken from my front garden were my property and that she was a thief.
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/// Well I used to pick flowers when I was young no matter how many times my mother told me not to.///

You must have been a very disobedient child ummmm, and would your mum have accepted other stolen goods you had brought for her?

I mean who could tell off a child when they are holding out a present for you????

/// Do you have kids AOG? ///

Why do you ask that? It is of little consequence to my feelings on this issue.
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My Mother is a born again Christian AOG...she has high moral standards. Even she knew that kids do what kids do. That includes much worse than picking flowers...

I also used to cherry door bad is that? Maybe she should have hit me or something..

I've smashed a few windows in my time as well...

The fact that I've never actually stolen anything in my life obviously doesn't count. Picking flowers at a young age is not's just not thinking that they belong to anyone. I didn't know that people planted them...I thought they just grew. You see AOG...when I was little I didn't know much about gardening...
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Well I did better than daffs....I got a bit of everything :-)
its hard to think of floweres as "belonging" to someone
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No being a child...
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I ask if you have children as you seem to have forgotten what it's like to be one.
yep i get daffs from the local park every mothers day from my son...
What a thief...and what a bad mother you are for accepting
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lol ummmm clearly so ...if he dares this year i'd better call the cops, I'm sure they've nothing better to do..
I just find it funny that he automatically thinks I was a disobedient child for picking my Mum flowers...
true pinki

And if my son wanted to buy me flowers for Mothers day I'd be paying not him!
I'm holding my hands up here, I'm a thief.. and on Sunday I nearly reoffended!
Last spring I pulled over to the side of the road to pick a nice daffodil for my girlfriend, they're her favourite flower, just the one out of a what must have been a few hundred.
Then on Sunday we were driving back from a nice walk with her dog when I saw some more roadside daffs, I was going to stop and get her one but a dutchman in my back seat tapped me on the shoulder and said "schtop, they're not ready yet!", so I drove on. I may yet have a go this weekend, depending on how much of a delinquent I'm feeling!
I'm calling the police Paul...!!

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