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Did this couple get of lightly?

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anotheoldgit | 15:48 Tue 15th Mar 2011 | News
97 Answers

So this couple and their kids think they have been harshly done by?

Once again it seems that they have got off lightly.

If every Tom, Dick and even India was to pick the flowers as soon as they appeared there would be none left for others to enjoy.

We know that kids do not know differently, but adults should and their kids should have been chastised upon picking the first flower.

/// 'If we'd seen it we would have stopped them, but all it needed was for whoever complained to have approached us and made us aware.///

Firstly 'If we'd seen it we would have stopped them'

Obviously they were not keeping their eyes on their children,

And 'all it needed was for whoever complained to have approached us and made us aware'

Yes, and could you imagine the barrage of four letter words he or she would have received in return?


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why did the police watch them for 20 mins? Maybe if they had stopped them right away they'd have picked a fair few less!
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It's not common land, it's a Council park - that's different. You can graze sheep on a common, but you wouldn't get away with it in a park!
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/// Actually AOG - your failure to respond about whether you have children is entirely relavent ///

Once again we disagree, but for your knowledge, (which I still find totally irrelevant) I am not only a parent but a grand parent and also a great-grand parent.

Now please convince me that this is relevant? One does not have to be any of these to know how a child should be taught over issues such as this.

Because of the lack of discipline and the lack of being taught what is right from wrong, from whoever is in charge of a child, we now have to endure the loutish behaviour from some youngsters that we see on our streets today.

You say that a 'word' (I won't use your over dramatic words telling off), from an uniformed police officer 'is sometimes a sledge-hammer / nut interface'

Well if the parent/guardian will not enforce their responsibilities, then it must be left to others, and if this then teaches the young mind right from wrong, then some success has been achieved.

Maybe this gives a much more balanced view?
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"That article says the family come from Lilliput, LOL. Are they weeny?"

Not weeny..but they could be filthy rich! Liiliput Poole is one of the most affulent area's with property prices reaching well into the millions!

Alas I live at the other end of poole
Ah MrI - perhaps the girls think that the park is part of their garden then....;-)
thank you for the explanation, I have never heard of that place (outside Gulliver!)
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/// Picking flowers makes them stronger for the next year anyway, so everyone benefits ///

Do you honestly believe this?

Take this bunch of kids they picked 70-80 daffodils on their short visit, what about another bunch of like minded kids and some after them and so on until within a very short period of time, there were non left for other people to enjoy, and witness the lovely show of yellow daffodils that announces the beginning of Spring.

Who 'BENEFITS' then?
Who said 'get a grip'?
There are more significant things going on in the world than a mother getting miffed because her daughters were stealing public daffodils...
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/// Get a Fluffing grip.///

Ups if it was not for the AB censor, I think we might have got a swear word out of you.
AOG - Sorry to disappoint but I would say that Pinki actually typed fluffing..
I thought she did, too!
I'm in agreement with AOG on this one- to a degree anyway.

I don't think it was necessary to call the police, however I do believe someone should have told the children or their mother at the least what they were doing was wrong. I can't understnd why the person who originally saw them didn't approach the mother, bloody big girls blouse!

I've read the posts and sorry, but I don't agree that just because a child picks a few daffs in a park, it's not considered wrong- it is, it's still theft, regardless of whether it was daffs, as in this case, or someone's handbag. A quiet word with the parents and or children involved would surely have sorted this silly none news story.
Some of us have a glass that is half-full........some of us have a glass that is half-empty......POF doesn't even seem to have a glass.....:o(
B00, I agree entirely. We had very clear boundaries when we were growing up.
BOO...I don't think people are disagreeing with that. Picking flowers does not equate to bad parenting though
Same here boxy, and luckily they're still with me and have been passed to my kids.

I'm not saying I didn't pick flowers from a park or a garden as I was passing for my mum as a child, of course I did. But I still knew it was wrong, and my mum would thank me and rollock me for it, all without drawing a

Last week when walking home from school, we saw some kids kicking 7 bells out of the tulips in the park, and i told them not too. Mini Boo said to me "that's very naughty innit mummy?". At 6 she clearly knows what is right and wrong.
Yeah, but im agreeing with AOG on the fact it's wrong to laugh it off. Yes it's only flowers, but to laugh it off is wrong. It's theft, and kids need to know this.

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