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Did this couple get of lightly?

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anotheoldgit | 15:48 Tue 15th Mar 2011 | News
97 Answers

So this couple and their kids think they have been harshly done by?

Once again it seems that they have got off lightly.

If every Tom, Dick and even India was to pick the flowers as soon as they appeared there would be none left for others to enjoy.

We know that kids do not know differently, but adults should and their kids should have been chastised upon picking the first flower.

/// 'If we'd seen it we would have stopped them, but all it needed was for whoever complained to have approached us and made us aware.///

Firstly 'If we'd seen it we would have stopped them'

Obviously they were not keeping their eyes on their children,

And 'all it needed was for whoever complained to have approached us and made us aware'

Yes, and could you imagine the barrage of four letter words he or she would have received in return?


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Yes...but it's what kids do...and they should get told. As I was...

But to presume that he would be met by a barrage of foul language if he pointed out to the parents what the kids are doing is OTT.
Yeah that i agree with.

Mind you, im gobby enough to say what I think, THEN worry about the consequences afterwards. Perhaps the guy who spotted them is more savvy, lol.
Thank you for calrifying AOG - i mentioned it simply because parents will by definition have a different perspective on children's behaviour in varfious circumstances, than those who have never experienced life with children and raising them to learn right and wrong.

My 'sledgehammer / nut' comment was with reference to the fact that small children will see a ticking off from authority as far more upsetting than would a teenager.

But finally, your link does indeed provide some much needed balance to this debate.

With the additinal information provided - re. the number of flowers being picked, and the parents' encoragement, it is clear that the police did act appropriately.

I would never advance the facile 'Shouldn't you be catching 'real' criminals?' in a situation like this - the police must deal with what they can see, when they see it - because one criminal act is less serious than another does not mean that it should be ignored.
Actually, re-reading that link, couldn't they arrest the parents for giving those children such chavvy names?
Steady Boo - our ex-MP Mark Fisher christened his daughter India (she is a TV presenter) and he went to Eton and his father was a peer!
No accounting for taste Andy eh? -)
Indeed Boo - my youngest daughter is planning her second child, and is curiously resistant to my first choice of name - Spudoolikkay ...
Since they were in the park abd someone had obviously planted them then obviously the kids shouldn't be picking ( vast quantities) of flowers, but there are ' flower Nazi's' about. My kids were picking flowers we had planted in our own wood when some rambling nutcase ( who shouldn't have been there because there is no public access) told us he was friends with the landowner ( that would be me) and that he was reporting us to the police. I think the littlies shouldn't have picked a lot of flowers but Christ it's just a tad on the overkill side isn't it?
Children are 4, 6 & 10 picking flowers in a public place, planted at public expense. Too petty to prosecute foreign parents, a warning should suffice. They can have my share.
I think the fact that 'someone' had paid for the flowers hadn't really occured to them. Public flowers in a public place = public ownership and they picked them. It would have been entirely different, I'm sure, had they been passing someone's garden and seen the same amount of flowers...
A polite word with the children/parents would have probably nipped the matter in the bud.
It's a bit of an over-dramatising of a pretty non-story...
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Thank you Andy, whereas we don't always agree and quite rightly too, we can still conduct a debate in a civilised way without the need for silly remarks etc etc.
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It would seem the likes of jackthehat, still continues to use her silly abbreviations such as POF, which although she is asked on numerous occasions by other ABers she refuses to explain the meaning.

But then, if it makes her happy, then one should not complain, because let's face it there isn't much else that makes her happy, poor thing.
We've had this discussion before, AOG.
You knew at the time what I meant by POF.........I reserve it for the moments when you are being particularly preposterous.

And given the utter absence of anything in the remotest part heart-warming or cheerful in your endless threads, it ill behoves you to make comment on the disposition, sunny or otherwise, of anyone else.
and AOG breaks the world record for the smallest amount of post space used to prove himself a hypocrite! Parabens o senhor Git!
Petty prosecutions for
petty publication in
petty broadsheets read by
petty people to throw
petty insults in
petty debates.

Let's have some serious stuff worthy of AOG ;)
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triggerhippy - if your Point 4 was about me - I think I stopped short of agreeing wholeheartedly with AOG on this occasion.

His tanks to me - if that is to what you refer - was for claryfing a dispute contained in our respective posts.

As I have opined before, the limits of written communication can, and do lead to misunderstandings, and AOG and I have had our fair share.

However - we usually manage to sort it out, and often post a 'thanks' to each other when these occasional occurences are resolved.

It all helps to oil the wheels of communication,

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