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shooty | 23:15 Thu 16th Feb 2012 | Jokes
27 Answers
The difference between knowing your sh*t

and knowing you're sh*t


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(1) = Knowing the sh*t that belongs to you.

(2) = Knowing that you are sh*t.
It's a joke NJ, not a question. This is the jokes section.
No Sugar NJ!
Your right!
It is indeed my right.
Ah, c'mon Ed - you've ruined my joke.
In what deed MR?
The post sounds poo to me
Question Author
i was going to post this on A or AN

I decicided not to.

good call or bad call ?
What's A and AN shooty? I'm new here.
Question Author
Got it, it's the (')
Well I think it's quite witty!
Sorry, suffered a temporary sense of humour shutdown (principally because I saw the question on the opening page as did not check what section it was under. So here's my revised response:

Ha ha ha !!
I've been caught like that in the past, too, NJ.

This reminds me of the English lessons and the importance of using commas in sentences, that we were taught in school and one example in particular:-

"The defendant said the judge is an idiot." (not a dig at you, New Judge, honest!)

and the correct way:

"The defendant, said the judge, is an idiot."

What a difference a couple of commas can make!
should the first comma be a semi colon?
No, because the commas denote a break in the sentence. For instance, it could just as easily be written as:-

"The defendant is an idiot" said the judge.
Shouldn't it be "The defendant" said the judge "is an idiot"

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