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2 Old ladies.

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moonraker558 | 20:54 Sun 23rd Sep 2012 | Jokes
25 Answers
TTFN & Sibton were eating breakfast in a restaurant one morning.
Sibton noticed something funny about TTFN's ear and said,
"Did you know you've got a suppository in your left ear?"

TTFN answered, "I have? A suppository?"
She pulled it out and stared at it.

Then she said, "Sibton, I'm glad you saw this thing.
Now I think I know where my hearing aid is."


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Mamya - I will always find you - I shall just point the hearing aid in the direction of flicking pages of a large dictionary.

Maj - I am surprised at you - thudddddddddddd.

(Like hell I am, that butling job has done you no favours whatsoever)

moonie, you promised you wouldn't tell LOL
lol mooney, she has so much patience.
I've just noticed he said two old ladies, MOONIE YOU'RE A DEAD MAN
I thought "innuendo" was when you enjoyed anal sex.

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2 Old ladies.

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