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As A Vacuum Cleaner Salesman .....

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excelsior-1 | 18:34 Mon 10th Dec 2012 | Jokes
28 Answers
..... i really sucked


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Thought you were going to clean up eh?
18:36 Mon 10th Dec 2012
Which old bag said that?
Thought you were going to clean up eh?
You were Dyson with death!
Thanks Henry!
I know excel, the news had filtered through.
Never mind, excel, it's all hoover now.
at least you should make a clean sweep of things........
Hope you didn't try to brush it under the rug hoping it would go away, excel.
ho ho ho (that's some hose)
unfortunately, tony, I think excecl was well and truly carpeted.
Well he seems to have had PILEs of jobs recently, DT.
and then got himself knotted up....
Excel got the axe, mister.
He's had the rug pulled from under his feet again.
yes I heard that he was stranded - wil ton(y) give him a job, cruci?
Tell you what, excel could become a Jehoover's Witness and spam us on R&S
Bet this has left him SHAGged.
DT are you a kidder, mister?
only if hell freezes hoover, cruci......

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