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mibn2cweus | 20:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
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Are you unhappy and upset and believe that some important knowledge crucial to living a joyful life has been denied you? Find the missing piece of the puzzle you've been seeking all your life here


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22:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
Luna, you're too kind.

Shouldn't worry about those dreams. Sometimes when I'm really, really tired, I hear orchestras playing classical music in my head - and I'm not even asleep!!! Oo-er!
Now this is interesting (well, to me anyway). I've posted a question in R&S to ask if God hadn't promised an afterlife, would people still believe in him, and why? Not a single response from a faithful follower! Oh dear. I may get some answers later, but up to now it seems without the promise of an afterlife, God may well be redundant. Maybe the global recession is more far-reaching than we realise! Hope he's got a good pension plan!
Well I just think you wear your heart on your sleeve Naomi which I think is quite nice and I'm quite similar but it has the adverse problem of being a bloody easy target! ;0)

Noise?! That's the least of my worries... I can feel physical and emotional pain in my dreams, it's not great being terrified in a nightmare and not being able to pinch yourself awake. Somewhere there's a couch and a man with beard and glasses just waiting to talk to me!
Ah, so is that what Starman looks like? ;o)

What are your nightmares about, China? Maybe if you talk about them it will help get them out of your system. I used to suffer terrifying nightmares and wake crying, sitting bolt upright and in a complete panic. Awful.

Wear my heart on my sleeve? Do I really? I don't see it, but wish I could. Thanks so much for telling me. So, what do I say? What do I do? I have no idea what I'm saying or doing that makes me an easy target. I can only be me, but now my problem is how to change. Blimey. That's a hard one. Any suggestions will be most gratefully received. Cweusly.
Well it's not like you don't know your stuff or anything Naomi, you clearly do even if I do say that when it comes to News topics you and I are at other ends of the spectrum. But your arguing/discussing style is personal beacause it's personal to you and means something to you... Hence why you know about it in the first place. So when someone gets your back up or is being an irritating little turd (I know, I know... who knew there were irritating folk on AB) then even when you're answering based on knowledge, you can still sort of tell they're bugging you or have offended you, even if it's just a real life shrug of annoyance, it comes across on here. Hence, people like Quinlad (who I should at this time point out I really like, find very funny and often agree with) will try to get a rise out of you because you talk and argue with feeling and they, (like me) are button pressers. Only difference between me and other button pressers is I don't try and score points by it, I'm just a good natured wind up merchant! ;0)

It's really not a criticism by the way, I hope it's not coming across in that way. It's just an observation I've made o styles of debate and the way people communicate on here is all. Not that you're bad at it, you're far from it, you just talk with your heart, hence heart on sleeve comment.

Did that make any kind of sense or was I just unintentionally very rude?! I hop not.
As to my dreams... Well they mainly involve fish and water.

Once a lion and a blue tit.

Yes, even my subconscience uses ******* metaphores to communicate with me... No wonder i have issues!;0)
Thanks China. I do really appreciate that, and take no offence at all. Constructive criticism I call it - and that's always helpful. It has been said that I'm far too cweus at times, so I must try harder!

Any more thoughts will be welcome. I can take it - I'm tough - so wotchit!! GRRRRRR!

Fish, water, birds and animals? How do these create nightmares? Are you drowning, or being attacked? (Attacked by a blue tit? Surely not!) . How are these creatures affecting you? Are you actually afraid of them in the dreams, or are they just an incidental to whatever else is going on? What are you afraid of or worried about in real life? What plays on your mind? Do you have regrets, or flashbacks of anything that's happened to you, or do you feel guilty or remorseful about anything from your past - or are you worried about the future?
Ha ha! I've just got to tell you that I've resisted, against all my instincts, an irresistible urge to put my two-pennorth into something that I know will end in the usual unintelligible diatribe with the usual incoherent idiots. See China? Already I'm trying harder! I think I deserve a pat on the back!! Come on ... pat, pat.
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Oooo .... Luna ...... you are AWFUL!!

And everso philosiphical! Must be all that bonce-scratching!
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Pat, pat

Bit tired tonight, cooked some tea for GB and B which always makes me feel good, (they actually believe I can cook!) Going to finish this glass of red and turn in.

Night all, xx
Good morning everyone,

Luna, mmm ..... perhaps you ought to stick to philosophy. It's probably a lot better for your health - and you're worth it.

Thank you China. A pat on the back never goes amiss. Well done. I really don't like cooking. I do it, but I don't like it.. I watch those TV chef programmes and there they are fiddling around chopping up bits of this and bits of that, a spoonful of this spice, and a pinch of another, fussing and stirring and tasting and seasoning - and I think - 'Oh for heaven's sake - just go to Waitrose!'.

China, something I've been meaning to ask you for a long time about Oneeyedvic. You once said his name conjured up peculiar images, but that you'd been mistaken. Well, his name conjures up peculiar images for me too, so what am I missing? (And don't say an eye!).
Dear Friends,

I just read an article on the dangers of heavy drinking... Scared the hell out of me.

So that's it! After today,
no more reading.
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Oh very good, Luna. :o)

BIG problems in R&S tonight - for me at least. Has anyone else had a problem? It seems to have collapsed completely. I can't post either questions or answers. Is there a gremlin in the works - and are gremlins really supernatural? If so, how is the poor human Ed going to remedy it? That, my dears, is your question for tonight. Impossible to answer - probably - but that's the kind of girl I am. :o)

Night. x
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Oo-er! There's something very odd going on. Something I posted last night disappeared - and then I couldn't post at all. And I noticed that two of Octavius's posts disappeared too - and there was nothing wrong with them either. I've just had a quick look and it seems no one posted anything late evening or early morning, so there must be a gremlin in the works. I'll try again this morning and see what happens, and if it isn't working I'll email the Ed again.

And for the sake of it, here's the heavy drinking bit again.

Dear friends,
I just read an article on the dangers of heavy drinking...
Scared the hell out of me.
So that's it!
After today, no more reading.

Let's see if I can post this - and if so, whether it stays put.

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