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Telegraph Prize Crossword ( justteo left to do)

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tabbycat09 | 10:53 Sat 22nd Oct 2011 | Crosswords
22 Answers
6 across Nick Nolte's first to get in drink 4 letters ?N?P
3 across Own part of a golf course with no name 5 letters A?R?E

Thanks in anticipation


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why is it agree? (i can see the GREE bit) but don't understand the OWN bit...
Sidkid: Guess you could call it 'Compilers Licence'.
I'm sure agree is right but i can't see the definition or the relevance of 'own'
This is outrageous. What is the world coming to? I think a strongly worded letter to the Telegraph editor is called for. :-)
Sidkid: I agree(n).;-)
Own can mean to acknowledge, admit, agree etc.
Surely own is a synonym for agree.
Calibax/Glasman: One can own up as in to admit something but I still can't find any hard evidence to link it to agree. Can you give an example in a sentence?

defn 3 (rare) to concede or acknowledge.

accede, accept, acquiesce, agree, allow, approve, attest to, certify, defend, defer to, endorse, grant, own, ratify, recognize, subscribe to, support, take an oath, uphold, yield
Thanks bibblebub but still no mention of the actual word agree in your Chambers link. we've covered admit, acknowledge and concede but not agree. Surely someone can provide a sentence or phrase where you can use the word own instead of agree.
Glasman: don't know why but your post wasn't there when I last posted - thanks for the list - still like to see an example though.....
I must own that I have not yet read that article.
here is agree = acknowledge in a list of synonyms
It's just an old fashioned word for agree which you never hear spoken today .
He owned that I was right and he was wrong .
I can't see anything wrong with the clue .
Own is a synonym for agree .
<<I must own that I have not yet read that article.>> Thanks for the example but I'm afraid that I for one remain unconvinced.

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