Inquisitor 1237 in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Inquisitor 1237

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still_confused | 13:00 Mon 09th Jul 2012 | Crosswords
10 Answers
I do not understand the wording of 14d. If u and l are gone, the s has to change to an e to give an anagranm of eyeing. But I already have a spelling mistake of an s in 4d, and there is only one s in the object?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I haven't got the paper and I can't remember all the answers. Can you give the clue again?
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14d] Straining for some unsound guy lines, second and fourth gone.
I presume this is a themed puzzle? I haven't seen it, but -

Syeing - anag 'g(u)y (l)ines' (2nd & 4th letters gone) (?)
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Has to fit in with EYE?NG, spelling mistakes in 7 clues, these incorrect letters spell out an object, and I believe that object ony has one S in it, and I have found a mistake giving an S in 4D.
Syeing seems good - could the misprint be in another clue?
And where does the first E come from?
I'm almost certain MY answer was 'syeing' - also, as far as I remember, there was no misprint in this clue.
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The first E comes from the last letter in FEIE, 13a, Festival in Ireland is more spirited (forgetting row)
F EI(R)E, Feie maning natural, wild, savage [gaelic]
For 13, I had Feis - an Irish festival. It's 'feistier'- more spirited - minus 'tier'/row.
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Thank you everyone, especially neveracrossword. That makes more sense for FEIS and overall. Though I cannot find a meaning for the word SYEING anywhere. Thanks again.
For 'syeing', Chambers has...
sye: verb, to strain.

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Inquisitor 1237

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