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Guardian Crossword 26244

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shmoos12 | 18:04 Mon 28th Apr 2014 | Crosswords
5 Answers
still puzzled I now have -12a sound of bagpipes that's hard to bear- why burden? burden is hard to bear but why bagpipes?
3,15 Successful investor in 11? Then capital in tomatoes!
I understand Warren buffet but can't see the connection with tomatoes
help would be much appreciated


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double meaning
burden/drone of bagpipes
·noun The drone of a bagpipe.
12a: burden - a drone, as of a bagpipe or pedal point

3,15: the answer to 11a is rabbit food which is being referred to as WARREN BUFFET here, and the head/capital letter of 'tomatoes' is T
Then capital in tomatoes means take the head, t, from tomatoes and add it to buffet (rabbit food) to give the correct spelling of Buffett
it's a charade clue

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Guardian Crossword 26244

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