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Cape Times Cryptic Crossword

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JackDunwoody | 11:17 Mon 09th Apr 2018 | Crosswords
9 Answers
I'm still trying to get help with this clue from an old edition.

Damn. Odd shuffler with repeating speech (8) No letters available


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You don't need to keep reposting. You can get bump the original thread back on Latest Posts just by posting a polite'chase up' comment on your first thread
You can add to your original Jack, it will show in latest posts - duplicates can get complicated.
I can see the definition there danny but can't see the wordplay.
It's a shame we can't get some crossing letters
I was thinking that enounce is relative to speech,but it is just a guess.
murmurer? (backwards rum=odd)?
odd letters of shuffler is SUFE but that doesn't give anything significant. I also looked at tourette but couldn't get that unless it was a mispelling of an anagram of rerouter
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My own thought process was DAMN odd = MAND, so perhaps the answer was MANDARIN whch is speech or language, but I can't see where ARIN would come from
Is there any prospect of getting any crossing letters please- a couple would really help

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Cape Times Cryptic Crossword

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