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Arrogance Or Ignorance?

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klazomaniac | 23:30 Fri 26th Aug 2022 | Crosswords
22 Answers
Does anyone on here actually still appreciate the effort of the people whom take their time to answer questions.
Or is it standard to take the knowledge without gratitude ?

I won't respond, just interested in other people's views.



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Some people on here give thanks in odd ways. Shortly after I joined the site, somebody asked three questions for a quiz they were doing. The first person to reply answered the first question, I was second to answer and replied to the third and the last person answered the second. The quizzer eventually thanked the first and third person, me? I'm still waiting....
13:48 Sat 27th Aug 2022
Thanks for BA, I've only just returned to this thread. Yes it does help! :o)
What really annoys me is when someone asks a question, I ask for clarification on a point, and they don't bother to come back with the information needed to answer the question.

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Arrogance Or Ignorance?

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