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Listener 4026: Elitism by Zero

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midazolam | 09:58 Sat 21st Mar 2009 | Crosswords
51 Answers
A fine crossword from Zero as always. The grid filled fairly quickly but the thematic material is excellent.

As usual the grid and clues have been forwarded on. If anyone else would like a copy: [email protected]

Don't forget Mother's Day tomorrow!



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Walterloo, where would you expect the first phrase to be found?
I completed the grid and redistributed the letters, knew the 52 squares to highlight but couldn't find a justification for the second phrase. I've just sussed it, I was googling the phrase plus a word insted of the phrase on its own. Very clever puzzle, I'd worked out what the theme must be but took a while to figure out the denouement.
Walterloo - what does the chief ingredient in the phrase do according to a well known phrase or saying?
I thought this was one of the best denouments for some time, with a good dose of chuckling, and feeling obliged to tell Mrs Philoctetes (who does not "get" crosswords) all about it. I too wonder where you start to compose something like this! Well done Zero
Thank you Perseverer and Philoctetes.
I 'd surmised the phrase should be in a certain position but was looking too far into repositioning the other letters to not see the simpler method. All so clear now.
A brilliant finish.
Yes, I went the same way at first (there was one puzzle last year, the memory of which led me astray).
Talking of last year, have I missed the stats?
No, I understand they are still available from JEG with the usual SAE requirements.
The tortoise has finally caught up with the hares. As has been said this was a most enjoyable puzzle from Zero, whose previous 2 Listeners I also enjoyed.
A year or three ago (Mysterons will know), there was a mystery puzzle involving levitation, where letters were move in similar fashion to this one and I got it wrong - hope that's not an omen:-)
Another class act (no pun intended) from Zero. Along with plenty of others, I screwed up on his earlier map of Italy, so I'll be transcribing very carefully as there's plenty of opportunity to stick something in the wrong place.
Anyone still struggling with the theme may find the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations invaluable. This is always a great reference when phrases etc have to be found.
Possibly Clamzy is referring to ,Prestissimo by Bandmaster, October 2005.
I've only just finished this -- quite a struggle this week and some real blinders so far this year. I would never have guessed the theme from cold; it's amazing how everything eventually falls into place.

...another useful find - Chambers have added definitions to their online Word Wizard
Yes that's the one - thanks Mysterons. Thank you also for the Chambers link, which is going to be even more useful in future.
This ranks as one of my favourites so far this year. Fair clueing with plenty of thematic material and several PDMs.(And no cold solving...)

Many thanks Zero.

I think I've got the second phrase but not the first although someone said that it was very obvious! May I ask whether the 21 letter phrase is (a) a well-known phrase and (b) in Chambers? Any hints where to find it would be great as I am going on holiday soon!
jamesah, the answer to both your questions is yes, BUT, look back to uncletony's post early in the thread.
jamesah, every time I ask for a prompt, the experts prompt me to read the preamble more carefully - so I am repeating that to you - uncletony's prompt made me reconsider the terms 'in 21 clues', then 'the letters involved' and I realised that considering the two phrases together didn't necessarily mean that I had a 21 letter phrase - and, of course, I hadn't, if I had to 'redistribute the phrase in a manner hinted at by the phrase itself. You won't have a perfect second 'four word phrase' and 'theme' until you have performed that first 'redistribution'.
Late as ever. I've finally got to the end, with the help of uncletony's post - advice which I should know by now.

Still don't get 3D however. I can see that the first word may be a thematic word, but can't see any definitions in Chambers that remotely match any of the possibilities.

As others have said, there are a few clever clues here, and I thought that the highlighting stage was pretty obvious (fortunately, since I want to put this in the envelope with last week's entry tonight).
Forget that 3D thing - just being dopey. Got it now.
OK thanks.

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Listener 4026: Elitism by Zero

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