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bluemanx3 | 11:26 Sat 07th May 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
10a basic force from all of us alike putting energy into steady pull 4,11
26a pouring on to course time for exercise 7,8


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10a weak interaction
26a circuit training
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ty bibblebub!
you're welcome
8d Religious circle pray finally you'll come back here? M?N???A? (the 5th letter could be "A" if across clue of medulla is correct)
Thanks for any help
8d Mandalay
Thanx bibblebub
I cannot for the life of me parse 10a...I just don't get it
and I've been doing these for quite some time. Would someone kindly
break this down.
we akin tEraction
WEAK INTERACTION [=basic force]

all of us = WE
alike = AKIN
putting energy into = put E into ...
steady pull = TRACTION

we akin tEraction
Thanks Bib...I had the "e" in "traction" part but was unfamiliar
with expression overall.

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