Good morning all from a typical winter's day in south oz ... I've pried myself away from the fire to post this - actually it's not even lit yet inspite of cold and damp conditions ... we're a little tougher that that !!
Way too many choices this week and that was reflected in the points scored - the matches were -
Chain Gang
Angle Poise
Pilot Light
Brown Bear
Maybe that will teach me NOT to change my mind !!!
The STAR TURN for the week came late in the weekend, with ECCLES finding nuggets of gold amongst the chaff ... six points for three correct !!!
12 intrepid players collected three points for two correct matches while a further 19 picked up a point for their tally and the Free Fall Club has shrunk to a 'manageable' size !!
So Very Well Done to all the points scorers and we'll reconvene next Saturday for the 3rd round of what will be a five-week contest, so lots of time to get those points - have a good week in the meantime and I'll see you all then, skz
Well yer being arrested on Friday morning for cat harassment!!
this comes as a welcome change of fortune.
Many thanks seekeerz for all your hard work