The Red Kite (1965)
BBC Mic. Could it be "The King's Speech" ?
Are the Measurement Lines (3'6"" to 6'6"") = Usual Suspects ?
Could the Dog pic be " My life as a dog" ?
Are those oversize Pink Knickers be significant ?
Is it a Globe under the Aussie hat ?
Some ambiguity just like the Xmas Picture Quiz !
I am confident that the Dog is 'The Artist' and the Two Hats are 'Brokeback Mountain'. Usual Suspects is correct. I think the globe with the hat is 'Strictly Ballroom'; and pink knickers are 'Bridget Jones Diary'.
I'm not convinced by 'Kings Speech as microphone is not quite right; and 'The Red Kite seems a bit obscure for 'a well known film'
Re "The Artist" - I'm sure you're right yet have a look Video clip (Google) - the dog's facial markings are very different to those on the Quiz-Pic
You're on the ball with BBC Mic. -well spotted, FieryColin
The Globe under the Aussie Hat ? how do you get "Strictly Ballroom"
Is the microphone from The King's Speech? And does anyone have the address for the Big Movie Quiz? I typed answers on my pc then lost the bit of paper which told me where to send it!! Duh.
Thanks everybody. I am going with Strictly Ballroom and Gladiator. But the pier is Brighton Pier and the real one does not have a funfair at the end, so there must be a reason why it's been put there. Still unconvinced about Kite Runner and King's Speech but if no better ideas come up I'll probably use them too. Somebody suggested 'The Red Kite' but I think it's too obscure for a 'well-known film'.