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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 21:04 Sat 09th Nov 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
188 Answers
Welcome to Nungate Towers and the meeting of AB's Mad Over Fifties Club.
Tonight our Tailcock will be the "Nippy Sweetie" an inspiring little brew guaranteed to warm the cockles on this nippy evening. The Towers kitchens have been busy and have rustled up a fine selection of volley vonts, canopies and horses doovers. Our Hot Plate Special tonight is a Steak and mushroom pie so full to the brim with deliciousness that the gravy has to be served separately as there isn't mushroom left for it! All served with veggies from the Towers estate. On the pudding trolley we have toffee apple sponge pudding with custard or whipped cream.
The Minstrels are back in the Gallery warming up, later we shall be regaled with their usual madrigals and fugues, and later on they have threatened to give us their interpretation of the greatest hits of Kiss! oh dear
Meanwhile down in the Ballroom, we have Bert Gonzalez and his band of Loco Banditos with their crazy Latin rhythms for some energetic salsa and samba music for members who wish to give their maracas a good old shake!
As always, the hot tub will be bubbling away on the north Tower, (mini bar has been restocked) The bungee is all set for a good old bounce! The indoor pool has been warmed up (cossies are available) Sir Cumference has returned to his dungeon so please try not to make too much noise to disturb him.
For the rofl tonight I have to offer
Broken lute strings (a donation from the Minstrels)
Tin of armour polish
used corn plaster (thank you Nanny)

Lost and Found
A set of fangs were found in one of the guest suites. Would the owner like to collect them from Belle (if she is not in the vestibule, she can be found in the Ladies Retiring room)

A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals this evening

carriages at midnight.


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My very own little Volcano loves volcanoes!
Only started to read Linwood Barclay a few months ago. Impressed.
Yes, was a little worried to see Abonglahor was injured before the match

Yes so was, Daisy.

- but Nungate was fabby - unlike mr nungate :(

Oh dear, queenie.
That Titanic book sounds interesting, queenie.
Question Author
OK "nungate was fabby unlike Mr nungate" huh?
Igor, I adore you
Excuse me sib!
Hows the injured speedway rider doing these days, queenie ?.
I texted him Tony to say I wouldn't be able to unload the dishwasher and all I got was OK - he then called and mum told him to back off and was telling him why I wasn't feeling so well.

I read a bit about his books and haven't quite got around to reading them - I am still ploughing my way through Stuart Macbride - just 1 and a quarter to go :D

I'll let you know how it goes Tony - can borrow it if you like can post it down to you
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Got it Tony. Queenie explained. Daddy Nungate wasn't as sympathetic as he could have been (in her eyes) and I was as "bright shining star in the Motherhood firmament" cough cough
You know there was a time when I barely was recognised by the little Queen, talk about Daddy's girl, only times she wanted me was when she was ill! Nowadays I appear to be the favoured parent! yay me...I think
He's awake now Tony. He has been moved to a different hospital for intensive physio and rehab I think it was. He has no feeling down the left handside of his body. He cannot remember the accident and but he does remember being in the van with 'Stormy' Wethers prior to the meeting. He thinks he is 17 at times though and only thinks he was asleep for 2 days - bless him :)
Right I see ( Mr nungate ) but if he didn't know then he didn't know, queenie.
Yeah let me know what you think about the Titanic book please, queenie.
Must admit to an extravagance. Phil Rickman's latest Merrily Watkins book was released on November 7th. Did pre-order it from Amazon. Mea culpa.
Well done nungate, ( the shining star in the firmament of motherhood ).
A long recovery process for him I think then, queenie.
He did know I wasn't feeling right Tony but he has never been sympathetic he gets all hmmmphed if I ask for a cuddle :(

I will do but may take me a wee whiley to get round to reading it
Yeah I think so too but at least he is awake now which is the main thing. I don't think I could have coped much longer if he'd not woken up
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He knew Tony, he was more than aware of the situation, not given to being overly sympathetic or if you ask about something i.e. a meal you've worked hard to put on the table or a new hairdo or outfit the best we can hope for is fine or alright! Seldom a that was tasty, very nice or you look nice or anything like that. Strictly between us, when Queenie went to her first ball she looked fabulous in her posh frock, hair up, silk stole the full monty as it were - I'd to tell him to tell her she looked wonderful as he'd never have thought to tell her (and she needed to know)
Take no notice queenie, I'm afraid that us blokes can be a bit like that sometimes, anyhow I'm sure he makes up for that in other ways.
She did look lovely that evening Madame, I will confess. Then there all the other ballgowns, so many and a different one for each occasion! No wonder the Master got grumpy!

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