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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 20:20 Sat 26th Apr 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
214 Answers
Just as I was about to post the laptop did a "thing" and I lost everything!
So come on in everybody, Igor is at the door waiting to gather up all your coats and cloaks and broomsticks so he can hide them all over the Towers.
Queenie sends her regrets, she won't be joining us this evening her dad has taken her to a speedway meeting to cheer her up a bit
The Tailcock for tonight is the "Sunny Evening"
The hot plate special tonight is a Toad in the Hole with onion gravy (Frank the minion went on a toad hunt and every one he caught went into tonight's dish) as always there are the world famous, volly vonts, horses doovers and canopies and on our pudding trolley there we have a tarte tatin with whipped cream.
The Minstrels have got in again and they are already up in the gallery playing their madrigals and toccattas. For members wishing to dance we have engaged the services of the Wilf Bumstead Swing Band and they will be playing down in the Ball Room. All our usual entertainments are available to members, the indoor pool, the bungee, hot tub, and library are all open to members and as we are now into warmer weather and lighter evenings we have opened up te gardens and grounds for members wishing to explore the Towers surroundings, we have even cleared the paths leading down to the beach, and although the water is a tad on the cold side it is still very pleasant to sit and watch the sun set.
For the rofl I offer:
1 defunct washer dryer
1 defunct chest freezer
1 defunct upright freezer (they all died at once)
Packaging from replacement freezer and washer (an expensive week! we may eat again sometime in August)

A warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals

carriages at midnight


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Blue, Daisy.
old blue eyes I expect.
Something like that, lj.
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Yes it was very sad Tony, Queenie and I were shocked at the news, we thought he was doing well.
I'm afraid Tata Martino was entirely the wrong fit for Barca. I've been hearing things about Ernesto Valverde and Luis Enrique (I think that's the name) none too sure about either, Queenie fancies Brian Laudrup, I'm not too sure, I'd have preferred Pellegrini before he went to City, we had a chance of signing him but they huffed and puffed too long and lost the chance. Just don't get me started on the board either!!
There I was, in the Ballroom, waiting for Tony when a figure appeared from behind me, smiled and whirled me onto the dance floor. The band was playing In The Mood. We danced, he escorted me to a chair and then left. Never said a word. Not like Tony. (Got any Scotch hidden away Igor?)
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Which cricket eleven Daisy? The England team or one of the county sides?
It's ok, nungate, I'm sure things will start to come right for them. Laudrup, is not to bad a manager you know.
Mmmmmm, who was that masked man !.
I'll speak to the Tapster Madame Daisy, ..... about the Scotch, single malt, double malt, a blend? Any preference, Madame likes to promote our locally distilled single malt, Glenkinchie
I promise I'll not say it's only a game.
Ohhhh, that sounds good, Igor, could I have one to please.
Warwickshire or Sussex. England seem to be in a complete mess.

I promise I'll not say it's only a game.

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I know Tony, he did great things with Getafe in La Liga, never been quite the side they were after he went, but is he the right fit for Barcelona? The board there has been keen to do away with the Cruyff model, tiki taka style and look where it's gotten us, though Messi being out for so long in the run up to Christmas, then losing Valdes to injury at a vital time, Pinto is good but he doesn't move the ball forward the way that Valdes did
Thats good to hear....lets me while away the hours on night shift.....anyway.... wadddyamean not a day over 60 your silkiness..;0)
one for me please igor. maccallan.(spelling?)
Anything Igor, as long as it is on the rocks. Hazel, nearly green. He did wear his watch as I do. Left wrist, face inwards.
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I know Kevin Pietersen is controversial but he is still (possibly) the best batsman available for England (speaking as a Scot who really has not clue about cricket but I still think you don't leave your best batsman sitting at home) Thought they may have been a bit complacent on that last Ashes tour
mwah pingwing boy. I like them young, just like you. mwah.
I know what you mean, nungate, the team don't seem to be knitting together with the style that their playing at the moment.

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