YES Maisie, thank you for your miracle at 3.57am !! Gosh, I stay up late, but not that late ? I had got my letter all ready to post, was going to seal it as I had said, but something stopped me. I thought that I would go to bed thinking about it before I went to sleep - and hey ho, your message this morning so I was able to add it in, seal and post it off. THANK YOU so much, a real brain-wave. I had done synonyms but was going down the imp/minx/rogue line and getting no-where. I'm still not convinced with Q51 but THANK Davemano also for his help. It will be interesting to see whether the answer is correct or not. If Davemano hasn't actually done the quiz, I will put the two answers on here once we know them.Thank you again Maisie for sticking with me and helping me - it still amuses me that the others all went so quiet!!