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Herculis KM Links Game for February

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seekeerz | 13:15 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
42 Answers

As last weekends competition was for the last week of January and with February almost with us I'd just like to check with the participating players of our cerebral little past time - shall we continue with the excellent set-up created initially by ShamrockBlue and then maintained at the same high standard by crofter with assistance from sarumite by running the comp. over the full month - with 'Hot Shot of the Week' - self-explanatory and then the overall Monthly Champion obviously at the end of the month.

I would appreciate feed-back and suggestions - are we all happy to go with the original or do changes need to be made? I usually work on the premiss - if it aint broke etc, but that's just me !!

OK over to everyone for comments, please S


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Both competitions are great. If you are both prepared to do the work then 60 people I'm sure will enter both of them. If only I can get my paper boy to get here earlier than Aquagility gets his. How do you get it so early?
O-ice, We don't do a very good job of playing the C game either. Quickly runs to hid before samurite (or Jim) see this posting. :-)
Very happy with things as they are -- thanks to seekeerz for all the time spent in organising the game.
Not to worry about the C...... , sarumite -- the rugby is nearly upon us!
But they do in BC - I knew quite a few cricketing Canadians, they were not all expat Brits!
Oh slaney, you are tempting fate!! (thats if you are English) Poor Jonny Wilkinson - after the hoohaa of the last few days I fully expect him to be carried off after/during his first match
For what it's worth, I know that Steff is in for the LONG HAUL, the only question is how can she provide the best service for those taking part in the link games. A worthy colleague chasing a worthy cause.

As I have pointed out elsewhere, last wekend the MM game brought in 82 postings but only 46 authentic predictions. The remaining 36 were simply friends sparking off each other. I recall someone wishing to become part of that community.

Hence the games provide a means to bring a group of friends together to share a laugh over what has rightly been named a "lark".

I still think that the "holy grail" is to guess 4 out of 4 on KM! Scoring partial success puts a bit of life into the procedure and the biggest job is to assign scores to a list of entrants.
The 4 bonus points are easy to distribute and so the weekly "Hot shot" is not difficult to find! Once weekly scores have been counted it is a trivial matter to build up the monthly scores - and so on!

I accept that there appears to be some reward for succeeding with MM (not so with KM), but remember that our present MM scheme was developed using MM-link words!

Hence what Steff is proposing isn't all that new!
I'd say "Go for it, Steff"! There's much more to gain from very little extra effort!
JRB ....... ref Jonny Wilkinson being carried off this weekend ... you obviously mean that he will be carried off shoulder high in triumph, at the end of the Calcutta Cup Six Nations opener?? .... Apologies to any Scottish friends for this prophecy!! ;0)
sarumite _ I am Scottish and no - that is not what I meant!!!!
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Ooooooooooooooohhhh, I hate it when I've turned in for the night, as I did after reading bridgenut's post and then I miss all the fun and games while I'm snoring !!!!

Loved the poetry Ont-ice, got it in one !!!

MrS and I have to go help an elderly friend whose car clutch has seen better days and as this morning will be cooler we're off to do it now, but will read up thoroughly on all comments, suggestions et al when I get back - so it's Good morning from me and Good night to you bye S
JRB Just to clarify, will not be singing "Swing low ..." on 24th Feb !
Well I hope it's a good match and may the best side win!

"Oh Flower of Scotland
When will we see your like again
That stood and died for your wee bit hill and glen ...."
JRB .. just to let you know that I have a sister who lives in Scotland and I have much enjoyed time spent in Edinburgh over the years .. so hope they do well in Six Nations this year ... possibly finishing as runners-up? ;0)
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well after all that little lot one thing I'll never volunteer for is a match ref. in a rugby international - I'd get mugged before the start !!

Ok i've a fair idea what you would all like so we'll see how it pans out over the next few weeks.

I won't be posting the opening thread till Friday evening if that's ok - I thought last weeks got buried too quickly - and if one of the early risers - Aquagility or Jan1956 - would lodge the first link words along with their own predictions on Saturday morning and then it'll be a case of 'let play/battle commence' and then a mad exit to the shrubbery for 9.00am kick-off !! with rogerr

See you all then Steff
Thanks for running this for us Steff.
Bet you weren't expecting the postings you got. What a mad lot!
It's that Sarumite you and rugby fans eh?...and men!! Don't tell him.
Hope you are well.
Pauline xx
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Thanks Pauline, very well and I hope you are also - we're heading into another hot weekend, today's 37then 40 plus till Monday when we get a late change !! Summer's not my favourite time well not that hot.

I love the 'nonsense' that goes on between everyone on this site, I musn't tease sarumite about the cricket, as you can see I daren't even mention it and it must be a bit disappointing for a cricket fan, poor England hasn't had too good a summer - mind you they did steal the Rugby World Cup from us - I'd have nobbled that Jonny Wilkinson before the final if I could !!! oh dear, I'll have someone on my case about that if I'm not careful.

I'm very glad everyone is happy with the set-up for the Links game and it keeps us all ticking over nicely - the grey matter I mean, and I'm most impressed with you and your cryptics - I look at them and my brain goes blerrrrrr and shuts down - I'm too old I think.

anyway, best wishes to you and I'll see you soon, take care my dear, love - Steff
G�day Steff .. as you are doing such an excellent job on the KM Links, I have decided to lift the sanctions previously imposed on you and it is now perfectly OK to mention ♫♪ ♥☺☺☺ CRICKET !! ♪♫♥♥ ... lol (S) xx

" Cricket lovely cricket ............ .........."
sarumite! What a sacrifice! No one person has valued their cricket more since Pinocchio!
Come to think of it, nothing is so wooden as an English batsman facing aussie bowlers!
[Must remember to keep my head down for a day or so]
crofter, our batsmen cast of their wooden shackles and salvaged a splinter of respect today ! At long, long last.
But will there be a repetion of this new found freedom in the next match? Sadly I doubt it .... :-(
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Oh sarumite you are a silly sausage-I love the pictures, and you have every right to be gleeful, your boys put in a very very good team effort and we deserved the thrashing.

Very glad for 'Freddie' he's had an awful time of it in the papers and with the media and yet he's fronted up every time with aplomb to a whole lot of c*#p good onya Freddie.

Now before I forget again, thank you very much for the offer of assistance made at the beginning of this thread, I do appreciate it - trouble is each time I posted I remembered after I'd done it - and if I need it, I'll shout, so thank you again.

Now after all that excitement I hope you sleep well , we need you on top form tomorrow all the best Steff :-))))))))
sorry that's the best I can do, nowhere near as good as you
Steff .. you're a star ! Cheers ;0)

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