Hi Strix - the above was NOT aimed at you, but at the appropriately named person posting above me.
Now onto other things, I've figured out 3 of the four clues - I'll tell you now, cryptics and yours truly don't mix so you'd better keep an eye out for the scoring.
You don't really want to get yourself banned, it's messy getting you out, we have to petition the AB Ed en masse to get you sprung, but we will, if need be.
And further to the Melbourne Cup - I backed Tawqeet last year after he won the Geelong Cup - I find that's sometimes a very good indicator - Media Puzzle won it, the year he won the Cup. Pity Dermot's not here this year, I've been lucky with both his winners. One of Hayes horses, The Fuzz, won this year so will have a few bob there for starters but I haven't really settled down to study it yet - everythings been so up in the air here with the EI.