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MM & KM Links November 2007 [Week 4]

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crofter | 20:04 Fri 23rd Nov 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
130 Answers
This will be the final week in the reign of Queen Jan the First and Foremost and she promises to be more transparent this week. "BOGOF" I hear Strix cry in anguish! Let's wait and see what tomorrow brings. Certainly, it's such an open field that nobody (but NO body) dares miss the launch! With so few points on the score board, bonus points for early hits become precious.

More than usual, the place to be is pole position in the Shrubbery and compos mentis ~ so that rules out sarumite for a start! My money's on evsajo who would like to emulate her MUCH older brother, bugers (oh dear I've not spelt that correctly!). I think that I've got an attack of Strix-itis!

So I'll see you tomorrow at 9.00 in the morning, when the MM Link Game should be launched by Queen Jan the Crystal Clear, who will set her four words to be linked! Insomniacs Anonymous meet up about 06.30 for the launch of the sister game (called KM links)! Look out for seekeerz from Oz who provides the marmite sarnies and tinnies for the early emus ~ and does the scoring for that parallel game.

"Early Emus" is an example of a DOUBLE DECKER! "What's one of those"?
You'll soon be wishing that you never asked!

Good luck for tomorrow, when the Battle for the Points and the Christmas Crown enters its final week.


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or maybe he's turned into the Invisible Man
Magyar..hope he's not having a Bohemian Rhapsody!!! :-)))
I reckon Sarumite and Gen 2 are together somewhere drinking Scotch on the rocks or possibly 'carat' juice, though I rather doubt that!
Very good Christiania!!!..carat...I like it!...They will be well and truly stoned that's crystal clear!!
Mines a Baileys Pauline as you know I don't drink. By the way Pauline "If you want to have a good time give me a call" I think my challenge may have to be December and I will have to think of something quick for November as we are getting near the end of the month.
Liked that Christiana, a gem of an answer !
Magyar..yoou keep popping up!!...but what have you done to Sarumite??..or has Srix gassed him in the gents!!!!??
Right I'm turning in now. See you all in the morning. Bright and early???? Well we'll see. :-) Night all.
I'll have you know Christiana that I am not long in from walking the dogs and stone cold sober at that.

Just going to have a nightcap though - not scotch on the rocks, but with lemonade. I'm off to bed soon and got an early start tomorrow, so not sure if I'll get my links posted in the am or if they'll have to wait until evening when there will be little chance of any bonus scores.

I haven't had time to read all this ling thread so hope you have all been behaving yourselves ;-)
All that running's tired me out and anyway it's gone midnight. Any minute now and this double decker will turn into a pumpkin or, perhaps Pumpkin Pie will be more appropriate. Either way I'm off to my Beddy Byes - oh dear all this 'double 'dealing is going to my head. I must lie down in a Darkened Doorway or something.
I must end the evening on a really happy note! daughter came in at 9.30 this morning and played this for me...and I have posted it elsewhere...but this is what life is about...enjoy...but first..turn up the volume on your computer!!!...and may I all make me want to do this at's to you all...except those who stump me on the links!!!..............

Thought yours would be a double diamond' Gen 2. You could invite Crofter over and have a couple - He likes to duplicate things.
Goodnight everyone. See you in the morning for the links. Hope you are all tuned in to Jan. I don't think I am!!!!!
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No, a double Bells and lemonade and the Telegraph crossword to send me to sleep.
Well it looks like another one bites the dust. I want to break free myself, but I'm as curious as the rest of you what happened to sarumite.
Brilliant isn't it??? happy!!!...goodnight all!!!
Sarumite will appear bright and early..armed with the links!!!...gen2 did you have a double whisky writing your quiz???

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MM & KM Links November 2007 [Week 4]

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