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loros 2008

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katmarrow | 20:06 Tue 13th May 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
thanks again to all.

I have just 4 more

there were 70 altogether - I did answer 50 myself but i couldnt think of these last ones for the life of me - perhaps i should have thought a bit harder. must be the sun addling my brain- anyway last 4

1. delve deeply (5,3,6)
2. type of japanese pottery (7)
3. obstruct the relative (6)
4. metaphor (6,2,6)


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2 Satsuma
3 Dam-son
I'm assuming fruit/veg in the answers?

4 Figure of speech (s-peach) (??) Too tenuous?
1. PLUMb the depths ?

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Do you know the answer?

loros 2008

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