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Because of my scientific background, my career path was determined quite early on. I decided to go up to University to study Dentistry! I qualified in the late 70�s and my first jobs were working in hospitals up to Senior House Officer level and getting involved in all sorts of surgery. I then went into general practice and eventually had my own Dental Practice. As time went by, more and more regulations, Health and Safety rules and administration got in the way (as it seems to do in most professions these days) and I decided to get out.
I am now officially retired from Dentistry, but my hobbies and interests take up all of my time, and I seem to be busier now than when I was working. A few years ago, I was fortunate enough to spend some time in the African Bush doing a game warden course (which I loved enormously). There is now an expanded one-year course on Game Wardenship, which I would love to do � the only thing that is holding me back at the moment is my dog, but when he goes I hope that I will have the time, energy and the money, to return to Africa.