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A pig of an anagram !

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biffabacon50 | 13:51 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
Can anybody make a word fom these 9 letters ? Tried all last night to no avail. Must have been trying too hard, somebody will probably see it straight away. Thanks in advance. Biff !


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. . . and the letters are?
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Good afternoon sir.knobby
Morning? Come on Knobster - what's up with ya?
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thats back Knobby LOL
at least we can chat while Biff has a think
There are so many breeds of pig - the only one I can think of off the top of my head, with 9 letters is Berkshire.
For those who hadn't already realised, I was being ironic. I know the questioner didn't ask for breeds of pig - seemed amusing at the time.
knobby how did you know sir.p was going to post, are you psychic? Read the sequence of questions.
Question Author
Sorry folks ! Even though i can`t see you i went red faced, talk about feeling stupid, and the letters are CCTURTSOC, PS: The pig in the title has nothing to do with the answer. answer your original question :o(((
Maybe if we had the context - or the original words from which the letters were taken.
check one of those "C" if it was "N" you have Construct
If this is from winners friend convinced they have made a mistake and the answer should be construct

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Do you know the answer?

A pig of an anagram !

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