Have you checked out the Community Service boys in the Lower Larger Hall...they seem to be geting on quite well with the stripping.
I think they're using a steamer...or possibly some of our older members are in there....
You're a pal, McTavish...and they say Scots are meanies...well, not you and that's a fact.
A whole green jelly piece baby all to myself. Now that's generous....to a fault.
Can't decide whether to apply to join the mad over 50's club or the indecisive over 50's club. Perhaps i'll leave it for now and join the procrastinating over 50's club - or shall I bother to go for the apathy over 50's club.
Oh no... not again. She's called the emergency services....mind you, things are looking up, it's the Fire Brigade this week. Hurrah! Bags me first for the fireman's lift.