Members are once again requested to inspect the lost property in the cupboard under the stairs. There appears to be a lost male voice choir still there from last week. Any member wishing to claim a chorister should submit the appropriate documentation to somebody...
The nurse wouldn't let me out last week, so I missed the Club so could I have first pick to claim, and could you let me know if somebody is in yet and if they have any spare glasses
I think it's first come, first served, atsgran.
Hand you documents in and take your pick.
Mostly tenors left now, the basses went like hot cakes last week.
well well you lot i'm early for once,have you a telly in here ,i would like to see b g t i brought my hearing aide,i pint milk,chocolate buttons and some irn brew,are you's in for a treat tonight
I've got my documents!! I've been certified - is that what you mean? Can I have a chorister? A big, burly one with muscular thighs. Ooops too much information
Found my glasses, form filled in, will he be ok in the cupboard until closing time, as I don't want him cramping my style incase those lifeguards come back
bensmum, you'll have to ask the appropriate person. Whoever they are....I think they might be in the Big Lounge.
Has anyone ever found my big scissors ?
I think you'll be safe tonight....don't think mamya can make it (presumably a week-long hangover after last week) your poodle can have the run of the clubhouse. Is he the lovely pink one ?
I think they must all be on hols.
Didn't we decide on the nuddy beach at brighton ? don't know where the money is...or the receipt books.....
I've been knitting like mad all week and now have 2 thongs finished, hope to have one for everybody before our trip to - was it Blackpool, does anyone want a bikini top to match cause you'll have to put your order in quickly