Night Night all. Ta to Miss Meg for opening up. Who is on cleaning rota tonight ??? oh mutter mutter I s'pose it's me then. Sweep sweep, mop mop, buff buff.
huff puff sorry am here eventually managed to escape and have brought whist pies and sausage rolls what a trooper miss meg has been as deputy matron, a very slow turn out was going to say well it is summer BUT is it ?
Thanks all and good night, no way am I doing the drugs trolley, don't want to get things mixed up and have you all confused???? Matron is shirking her responsibilities and (hopefully having) a smashing time with the son anfd heir! Nite, nite, Wendyxx
yes thankyou miss meg was my own grandson and heirs 6th birthday and as per developed into a grown up do too, have done a safari theme park and pimped my rabbid on the wiii am most exhausted and shall imbibe a small tincture in the quiet of my own parlour
Mamya, enjoy your tincture, I shall have to retire now, I think I'm p!ssed. Still got my wits about me, typed it 8 times before I got it right!! Stickler for the Queen's English.
I'm just posting my apology as I left for the club at 5 o'clock but the bus went the wrong way and I ended up at a very different club! There was lots of leather and pink fluffy things and a lot of people appeared to be tied up. They were very nice people though. I have 3 in my bedroom at the moment so must go back and see if they're ok.