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MM Links Solutions October 2009 [Week 3]

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crofter | 18:10 Sun 18th Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
As expected by now, the launch of the challenge for the third week in the reign of “Queen Christiana the Cheerful” was despatched with customary expertise. The saga behind Her Cheerfulness chronicled her introduction to “The World of Work” and led her to choose the following links:


Did I spot some of these Link Words in her preamble? Methinks the Lady grows bold!



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Who said the lightning doesn’t strike in the same place twice? Entrant #2 was Dustybun making her SALES PITCH for TWO POINTS [Shock ~ Horror ~ Amazement]! She was closely followed by Grenmus (Entrant #6) with STEREO TYPE and the game was well underway. There was still time for joto and slaney to make their Sales Pitch for bonus points before the next Link Word fell.

It was #13 lucky for Grenmus claiming his WAGE SLIP (with a bonus). In similar fashion to recent weeks, the game slowed down to a trickle with Single Points going to wickedtongue, SHAZZA and ChrisHewat (both), patchett & Jim. Incidentally, Jim was Entrant #33 and there were only two more predictions to come and the last link was going begging.

In a virtual re-run of last week’s game, in saunters twix123 as if he had all the time in the world to SHOP AROUND to claim the last Hit in grand style! In view of the fact that Two Points was this week’s top score, and in recognition of his spectacular finishes of late, I have no hesitation in declaring twix123 as HOT SHOT OF THE WEEK!
*** Let trumpets sound and cannons roar ***
*** The crowds go wild and shout “Encore” ***
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The League Table after this third week is:

SIX POINTS: Dustybun(!) & slaney
FIVE POINTS: wickedtongue
FOUR POINTS: beejay, rogerr & twix123
THREE POINTS: cliffyg, Elspeth, Jim & joto
TWO POINTS: Aquagility, ChrisHewat, SHAZZA, Grenmus, Jools, lysander, pauline, Strix & x-ray
Five others are on ONE POINT!

As far as ex-champions go, this League Table is ‘top heavy’. Furthermore, I don’t know if Christiana realises, but this is a five-week month. On the positive side, you all have two more rounds to make your mark and move up the League Table.

How will the Saga of Queen Christiana develop? Tune in next week and find out!

This is crofter signing off for another week.
See you next week: Same time ~ Same place

Until then: HAPPY LINKING!

thanks Crofter, boringly I scored zero again!
Shock ~ Horror ~ Amazement? Boo hoo! It's terrible to think one is consistently so bad that no one ever expects any better! Ah well! Thanks crofter and Queen Christiana (you didn't used to play for Man U did you?)!
Hi Dustybun. Even though I've led a fairly unusual life, and notwithstanding that C. Ronaldo is Portuguese, I'm delighted to say that 'No' I've never been a football player, though I used to support Man U. in the days when the Busby Babes were in full swing. Though still at school at the time I can clearly recall the ghastly tragedy of the Munich air disaster and how we woke each morning hoping against hope that some of those young footballers clinging on to life had survived another night.
Thanks Christiana and Crofter. I am hanging on to my two points with all my might but note that once again I am not mentioned in dispatches.
Sorry Crofter. I don't want to sound like a whiner but it's not very often I even have two points.
I was hopeless! Well done twix...and dustybun.
Thanks Crofter and Christiana...look forward to next week.
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Joanna ~ To me you're never a WHINER, but always a WINNER!

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MM Links Solutions October 2009 [Week 3]

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