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Mad over fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:02 Sat 12th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
104 Answers
The club is now open.

Members are asked to be especially vigilant this week as it has come to the notice of The Committee that several miscreants, thought to be from the Home for the Bewildered are operating in the area. Their modus operandi is to sneak into the club premises of perfectly normal people and ransack their lost property boxes.


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Tailcocks are good tonight mamyalynne, please dont tell me what is in them
They are smashing, I am on a very tight curfew and will not be here long.
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Everyone is just dashing in and out tonight...must be the season. Still, all are welcome and the tailcocks are just terrific tonight. Must be a new recipe.

Elastic or put a tuck in them will help . Balpa.
Did you say you were knitting socks too ? Now that is impressive. On four pins I presume ? Have you turned your heel yet ?
Yes socks are bryond me I do a good scarf and biccies of course

Glad you like the new recipe guaranteed to keep us regular
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Oh no ! Not the syrup of figs tailcocks took four days to stop last time.....
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There appears to be a rival club opening up......
Ive always been regular as clockwork 7 every morning, trouble is I done get up till 8 (you prabably didnt want to know that)
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Too much information, alexanderd.
oops sorry
I must depart, won't be able to attend for a few weeks. A Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of youxxx
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Bye bye, Miss Meg. Enjoy your festivities. MC and a HNY
bye Miss Meg are we having fish and chips tonight or is it mince pies
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Petal has promised us mince pies, you turncoat
is that why I cant get my coat off someone has turned it round
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I expect you'll find it at the other club......
Night meg have a lovely crimbo

Rival Club !!??
so you looked as well they dont stand a chance, we are too well established
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It's over on Chatterbank.
I don't think any of them will be mad or old enough....
probably from the home for the bewildered, if we ignore them they will go away
Well am sure if they behave they are welcome after all we are low on numbers tonight

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Mad over fifties Club

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