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Mad over fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:02 Sat 12th Dec 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
104 Answers
The club is now open.

Members are asked to be especially vigilant this week as it has come to the notice of The Committee that several miscreants, thought to be from the Home for the Bewildered are operating in the area. Their modus operandi is to sneak into the club premises of perfectly normal people and ransack their lost property boxes.


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evening alex and a happy christmas to you and yours too

Petal I`ve been looking for the syphon LOL

Milady I will fetch your big scissors from the locked gun cupboard
oh No

ive dropped a pearl stitch on me knitted knickers i was making for me Nanna, now i`ve got a droopy crotch
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Hello alexandered.
Seasons' greetings to you too. Hope you enjoy whatever you will be doing over the festivities.

petal, who is Bigs ? Is he a club member, or one of your huskies ?

As to lordalex's minder...well, Mamya is a great help
are you off sumplace nice for crimble,alexanderd
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Good evening, bapla and welcome.

Sorry to hear about your knitting emergency. I wouldn't worry too much though. Most Nanna's like fairly droopy downstairs areas in their undergarments.
might I remind all that xmas wish lists must be handed in tonight, filled out in triplicate. Mamyalynne ,I seem to remember, is fluent in the language
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IS it the North Pole that you are going to alexanderd ? or Greenland, perhaps ? Will you be delivering the lists personally to the man himself ?
Bigs is my 'other-half',he's getting more like his mother every day,lovely woman that she is,but she's now in a home for the distressed
Bapla do you need them darning though a cool breeze below is quite healthy

Yes alex is right the deadline for xmas lists and deposits of course is midnight tonight
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I'm glad you cleared that up petal.
Are bigs's feet OK now ?
my wisk list is under the tree,with a tartan ribbon
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Deposits ?
Deposits ?
You want us to PAY for our presents from Santa ?
not you my lady of course we will club together for yours as usual
Bigs is fine,gave him a strong sweet tea and a bicky ,he's feeding the pirhana's in the moat as happy as Larry
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I think I need another sherry after that.
I'm off to make some cards with Naomi. That should help me to calm down.
I'm so glad that sanity has prevailed and my Xmas gifts are being organised as normal.
thanks for replying ladyalex and mamyalynne

what if her dress blows up and she ahs got her baggy knitted knickers on she might get arrested cant have that for Nanna

i also knitted socks they`re huge i keep falling over me own feet...

oh oh so many dilemmas i fink i`ll just finish the red wine
going to make another batch of mince pies,for Santa's little helpers,have a jiggy evening.will drop by later to lock up
Bapla abit of elastic will work wonders and bye petal see ya laters
Are there any tailcocks tonight? I can't find them.
oh yes miss meg on the side buffet table in the long gallery

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